Pope Pelagius II confirms Grado as the new metropolitan see of the ecclesiastical province of Venetia et Histria (11th-century forgery).
Pope Pelagius II confirms Grado as the new metropolitan see of the ecclesiastical province of Venetia et Histria (11th-century forgery).
Pope Sergius IV confirms the jurisdictions of the bishops of Poreč over Rovinj, Dvigrad, and Bale that were disputed by the Aquileian patriarch John.
Pope John XIX confirms the possessions of the Patriarchate of Grado.
Pope John XIX confirms the jurisdictions and possessions of the Church of Aquileia, including the "parish of Grado" as per the conclusions of the Synod of Rome that took place five months earlier, and bestows the pallium upon the incumbent patriarch.
Following the Synod of Rome, convened to resolve the recently rekindled conflict between the patriarchs of Aquileia and Grado, Pope Benedict IX writes to Urso, the patriarch of Grado, informing him of the Synod’s decision to support the cause of his church against the Aquileian Patriarch Poppo, who had recently launched a second military invasion of Grado before his untimely death; the pope confirms the metropolitan status together with the ecclesiastical and secular jurisdictions of the Patriarchate of Grado, dubbed “New Aquileia” for the very first time in an authentic papal document.
Pope Gregory VII formally bequeaths to Henry, the patriarch of Aquileia, the right to don the pallium even on the feast days of St. Ulrich and St. Afra as compensation for the help he had provided to the papal legates, the bishops of Padua and Albano.
Pope Innocent II confirms the rights and privileges of the incumbent Aquileian patriarch: the metropolitan jurisdiction over sixteen bishoprics, including all the disputed Istrian dioceses, and seven monasteries, grants him the pallium, and corroborates all the possessions and titles of the Aquileian Church, including the "County, the March, the Duchy," the regalian rights and imperial privileges.
Pope Alexander III assumes the chapter of Aquileia and its canons under his protection and confirms all their possessions and jurisdictions.
Pope Alexander III confirms the spiritual and secular jurisdictions of the bishops of Poreč.
Pope Alexander III confirms the metropolitan jurisdictions of the incumbent Aquileian patriarch, institutes a new suffragan bishopric in Koper, grants him the pallium, and corroborates all the possessions and titles of the Aquileian Church, including the "County, the March, the Duchy," the regalian rights and imperial privileges.
Pope Alexander III confirms the compromise concluded between Enrico Dandolo, the patriarch of Grado, and Ulrich II of Treffen, the patriarch of Aquileia (doc. 1180_GA).