King Henry IV donates regalian rights over the Bishopric of Pula, namely the right to appoint and invest bishops, to the Patriarchate of Aquileia.
Item privilegium Henrici imperatoris pera patriarchab Aquilegensis libere possit eligere episcopum Polensem datumc MLXXXXIIId, sub signo (S)e.
Item transcriptum privilegii donationis facte per Henricum imperatorem Aquilegensi ecclesie de Episcopatu Polensi sub data millesimo LXXXXIIIf et signo (S)e.
a) sic C: pro quod, sicut B. b) ex patriarcham corr. C. c) sub data B. d) MXCIII ed. Bianchi. e) et signo (S)] om. Bianchi. f) millesimo LXXXXIII] MXCIV ed. Bianchi.
As Lenel noted in 1911 (cited above), the two entries in Thesauri claritas most certainly refer to one and the same document that in essence conferred upon the Church of Aquileia the same right regarding the Bishopric of Pula as the one regarding the Bishopric of Poreč, issued in 1081 and edited here.
The digital facsimile of C comes from the official web pages of Archivio di Stato di Udine.
The editor has subsequently inserted two red lines simply to denote the parts of the manuscript hereby edited.
All the images remain under the exclusive copyright of Archivio di Stato di Udine.