Vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300
October 18, 1225

Nicolò Cocco, podestà of Koper, in agreement with the Major and Minor civic councils and by the authority of the entire Commune, appoints Emery Spandinuces as authorized representative of the Commune in the dispute between the Commune of Koper and the Monastery of St. Mary of Aquileia; Emery is authorized to elect arbitrators and mediators, and to give and receive security for the arbitration settlement agreed in writing between the podestà of Koper and the abbess of St. Mary’s monastery.

A = Ljubljana, Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Zbrika listin, doc. 1063/3; the parchment is torn on the lower right part, rendering a part of the text illegible; available for consultation online.
Reinhard Härtel (ed.), Die älteren Urkunden des Klosters S. Maria zu Aquileia (1036–1250) (Vienna 2005), doc. 71, pp. 164–165.
FIM izdanje
Diplomatic edition based on A; where Härtel’s emendations are accepted, they are duly noted.

(SN) In nomine Domini.

Anno incarnationis eiusdem millesimo CC XXV, indictione XIII, die XIIII exeunte mense octubris.

Actum Iustinopoli, die sabati, in ecclesia maiori, astante Maiori Conscilio.

Nos quidem Nicholaus Cauco Iustinopol(is) potestas, asensu et voluntate Maioris et Minoris Conscilii et autoritate tocius Communis eiusdem civitatis, fecimus, constituimus et ordinamus dominum Almericum Spa(n)d(inuces)a procuratorem, nuncium et sindicum nostrum et ipsius civitatis in causa de Insula que vertitur inter nos et Commune Iustinopol(is) ex una parte et dominam abbatissam et monasterium sancte Marie de Aquilegia ex altera ad componendum finiendum ipsam causam per arbitros vel per compositores, sicut in concordio scripto inter nos et ipsam abbatissam tratato continetur, plenam ei licenciam et possibilitatem dantes ad arbitros vel compositores eligendos et ad securitatem in ipso concordio et penam faciendam et recipiendam et quicquid in ipso [. . . ]dob fuerit oportunum, promittentes ratum et f[irmum . . .]c quod dictus procurator in dicto fecerit concordio [. . .]d prout melius poterit concordari.

Ego Almericus Iustinopol(itanus) notarius et cancellarius interfui ac mandato predicte potestatis scripsi et roboravi.

Kritički aparat

a) spad cum sign. abbr. A; Spandinuces ed. Härtel.  blac. spatii circa 12 litterarum A; fort. pro concordio faciendo.  clac. spatii circa 14 litterarum A; firmum em. Härtel; fort. pro firmum habere totum illud/habituros id.  dlac. spatii circa 12 litterarum A.

Odabrana bibliografija
Reinhard Härtel (ed.), Die älteren Urkunden des Klosters S. Maria zu Aquileia (1036–1250) (Vienna 2005), pp. 44, 56.
Ana Jenko Kovačič, Mesto in škof v Istri v srednjem veku, PhD Dissertation (Ljubljana 2022), pp. 176, 247.
Opaske urednika

The dispute between the Commune of Koper and St. Mary’s monastery concerned the status, jurisdictions, and taxations of the Commune of Izola; it was settled in Aquileia on October 20, 1225, by the arbitration ruling of Peregrine the canon of Aquileia and Warinus de Ponte of Koper, according to which the citizens of Izola were to be treated as citizens of Koper regarding taxation, but the abbess of St. Mary’s monastery in Aquileia retained the right of imposing gastalds, judges, jurors and notaries in Izola; the appellate jurisdiction remained Koper (see Härtel, cited above, doc. 73, pp. 166–167, soon to be edited here asl well).

Kako citirati
First citation: Josip Banić (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300, doc. 1225_CI, fontesistrie.eu/1225_CI (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 4: doc. 1225_CI.
Izvor i informacije o preslicima

The digital facsimile of A comes from Virtualna arhivska čitalnica, the official databank of Slovenian state archives where it is available online for consultation free of charge.

The digital facsimile remains under the exclusive copyright of Arhiv Republike Slovenije.