Vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300
December 24, 1242

Nascingwera, the regalian podestà of Pula, and the communal council of the city elect and constitute priest Hugh and subdeacon John de Spago as the official representatives of the Commune of Pula, delegated to sign a new peace treaty with the doge and the Commune of Venice following their recent inimicalities.

The original is lost; the text survives in the following manuscript tradition:
B = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Miscellanea atti diplomatici e privati, busta 3, doc. 120; an insert in the charter by which the peace and pact between Venice and Pula was officially ratified by the Commune of Pula on February 4, 1243 (edited here as doc. 1243_LP).
P = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Pacta e aggregati, Pactorum Liber IV, fols. 128r–130v; a 14th-century simple copy of B.
Pietro Kandler, Notizie storiche di Pola (Poreč 1876), pp. 285–286; based on B and edited together with the entire text featured in B.
FIM izdanje
Diplomatic edition based on B. P is ignored as it derives directly from B.

In Christi nomine.

Anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quadragesimo secundo, indictione quintadecima, die octavo exeunte decembris, presentibus presbitero Albertono Paduano, domino Maregnano canonico Asilii, Dominico de Castiliro, Plantavigna et Girardino Belestariis et aliis pluribus.

Ibique domini Nass(inwerra) potestas regalie Polensis, Galvanus, Pencius et Carstolus consules ipsius in pleno Consilio et concione cum campanis et preconibus more solito congregatis eorum verbo et actoritate nec aliquo contradicente fecerunt, constituerunt et ordinaverunt presbiterum Ugonem presentem et subdiaconum Iohannem de Spago absentem canonicos Polenses suos et tocius Comunis Pole certos missos et procuratores, sindicos et actores ad pacem et concordiam pertractandas cum inclito domino duce Veneciarum et suo Consilio, vel cum illis quibus hoc commissum est vel fuerit ad tractandum, ita quod ipsi procuratores valeant tractare atque perficere ipsam pacem et concordiam, et obligare se nomine et vice Comunis Pole, et promissiones et generaliter omnia facere que ad hoc necessaria et oportuna fuerint facienda, ut veri syndici et procuratores.

Promittentes dicti potestas et Consules pro se atque nomine et vice tocius Comunis, de consensu Consilii et concionis, perpetuo firmum et ratum habere et tenere quicquid predicti procuratores in predictis duxerint faciendum.

Actum est hoc in platea iuxta castrum Polense.

Ego Raymondus sacri pallatii notarium interfui et iussu dictorum potestatis, consulum, Consilii et concionis rogatus scripsi.

Medieval Recollections

The peace treaty and pact signed in Rialto between Venice and the Commune of Pula on January 21, 1242 – edited here as doc. 1243_PP.

The formal ratification of the peace treaty and pact signed in Rialto on January 21, 1242, enacted in Pula on February 4, 1243 – edited here as doc. 1243_LP

Odabrana bibliografija
See the literature reported in doc. 1243_PP.
Opaske urednika

See the “Editor’s Comments” section in doc. 1243_PP.

Kako citirati
First citation: Josip Banić (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300, doc. 1242_SP, fontesistrie.eu/1242_SP (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 4: doc. 1242_SP.