Vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300
June 6, 1254

Gregory of Montelongo, patriarch of Aquileia, gives his solemn pledge to the ambassadors of the Venetian doge to honor and uphold the pacts signed between the two dominions.

The original is lost; the text survives in the following manuscript traditions:
M = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Miscellanea atti diplomatici e privati, busta 2, doc. 56, fol. 5r; a simple copy done after July 24, 1293, under the following heading: Hoc est exemplum cuiusdam instrumenti sic incipientis; the copy is based on the copy authenticated by notaries John de Varago and Renoard, active in the mid-13th century.
P1a = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Pacta e aggregati, Pactorum Liber I, fol. 195r; a copy featuring two notarial authentications, one by John de Varago from 1250s, the other by notary Renoard from 1260s, both seemingly copying from the nowadays lost original; both authentication are written in P1a by the same hand, making it difficult to ascertain whether this particular document was copied by John de Varago who copied Renoard’s authentication or vice versa, or whether this is merely a simple copy of an authenticated copy; according to Marco Pozza (“I Libri Pactorum del comune di Venezia,” in Comuni e memoria storica: Alle origini del comune di Genova (Genoa 2002), pp. 201–202), the copy was made by John de Varago; the copy features the following heading: Hoc est exemplum cuiusdam instrumenti sic incipientis.
P1b = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Pacta e aggregati, Pactorum Liber I, fol. 207v; a copy authenticated by notary John de Varago in the 1250s under the following headings: Sacramentum [later corrected in Exemplum sacramenti] domini G. patriarche Aquilegensis and then: Hoc est exemplum cuiusdam instrumenti sic incipientis.
P2a = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Pacta e aggregati, Pactorum Liber II, fol. 36v; a simple copy from the second half of the 13th century based on P1a, under the following headings: Iuramentum patriarche sive electi and then: Hoc est exemplum cuiusdam instrumenti sic incipientis.
P2b = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Pacta e aggregati, Pactorum Liber II, fol. 49r; a simple copy from the second half of the 13th century based on P1b, under the following heading: Hoc est exemplum sacramenti domini G. patriarche Aquilegensis.
Reinhard Härtel (ed.), I patti con il patriarcato di Aquileia 880–1255, Pacta Veneta 12 (Rome 2005), doc. 11, pp. 144–146.
FIM izdanje
Collated edition based on M, P1ab, and P2ab, generally favoring M, and featuring all the subsequent notarial authentications given in italics.

In nomine dominia Dei eterni.

Anno Eiusdem nativitatis millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo quartob, inditione duodecimac, die sextod intrante mense iunii, presentibus domini R(oçerino)e electo Cenetensi, magistro Belengeriof preposito Sancti Odorici de Utino, Iohanne de Cucagnag, Ascuino da Warmoh de Foroiulioi, Matheo dej Balduynok, Çacharia Stenol, Blasio Albaregno de Veneciis et aliis rogatis et specialiter convocatis.

Cum nobiles viri domini Henricus Fuscharenusm et Marcus Quirin(us) ambaxatores Comunis Veneciarum starent coram domino Gregorio de Montelongo, electo Aquilegensi, pro Comuni Veneciarum petierunt a dicto domino electo, quod iuraret super capitulis secundum quod continetur in instrumento confecto per Iohannem de Lupico notarium.

Qui dictus dominus electus sic respondit dictis dominis, quod paratus erat iurare secundum antiquam consuetudinem et secundum quod ordinatum fuerat Veneciis per dominum ducem et Consilium.

Ab hec dominus Guarneriusn de Porta Foroiuliio ibi incontinenti, habita parabola a dicto domino electo, iuravit in animamp ipsius predicti domini electi omnia capitula, secundum quod continetur in instrumento confecto per dictum notarium, firma et rata habere et tenere et non contravenire aliqua ratione vel occasione quod dici posset.

Actum Utiniq in camino palacii dicti domini electi.

(SN)r ‡Ego‡ Albrigetuss sacri palacii notarius interfui rogatus hoct scripsi.

(SN)u ‡Ego‡ Iohannes de Varago, sacri palacii notarius, hoc exemplum sumptum ex autenticov dicti Albrigeti notarii, nil addens vel minuens quod sententiam mutet, bona fide, ut comperii, scripsi, exemplavi et signo proprio roboravi.w

(SN)x ‡Ego‡ Renoardus condam Ottonis, sacri palatii notarius et ducalis aule Veneciarum scriba, hoc exemplum sumptum ex autentico dicti Albrigeti notarii, nil addens vel minuens quod sententiam mutet, bona fide, ut comperii, scripsi, exemplavi et signo proprio roboravi.y

Kritički aparat

aom. P2b.  b) millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo quarto] millesimo CC quinquagesimo quarto P1a; millesimo CCLIIII P2a; MCCLIIII P2b.  c) XII P1aP2b.  d) seto P1b.  e) R. mss. ; Roçerino ed. Härtel secundum doc. 1255_PM.  f) Berengerio P2ab.  g) Cuçagna P1aP2a.  hP1abP2ab; Warino M.  i) Foroiulii P1ab.  jom. P1bP2b.  k) Balduino P1abP2ab.  lcum sign. abbr. supervacaneo M.  m) Fuscarenus P1abP2ab.  n) Guanerius P2b.  o) de Foroiulii P1b; de Foroiulio P2b.  p) anima P1abP2ab.  q) Utine P1abP2ab.  rom. P2abM.  sP1abP2ab; Albergetus M.  t) et P2b; et hoc P2a.  uom. MP2ab.  vP1a; auctentico et undique sic M; auctentico P1b.  w) (SN)—roboravi] add. al. man. P1b.  xom. MP2a.  y) (SN)—roboravi] om. P1bP2b.

Odabrana bibliografija
Reinhard Härtel (ed.), I patti con il patriarcato di Aquileia 880–1255, Pacta Veneta 12 (Rome 2005), p. 128.
Opaske urednika

According to the surviving primary sources, this is the first known example of a pact between Venice and an Aquileian patriarch to be confirmed with a delay, in this case, a short one of less than two months (doc. 1254_VG concluded on April 24).

The promise to uphold the pact does not, curiously, mention the protestations and interpretations of certain articles of the pact presented by Patriarch Gregory to the Venetian Great Council (cf. doc. 1254_GV).

Count Maynard III of Gorizia, the advocate of the Church of Aquileia, would issue the same promise to uphold the 1254 pact on April 17, 1255 (see doc. 1255_PM).

Kako citirati
First citation: Josip Banić (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300, doc. 1254_PG, fontesistrie.eu/1254_PG (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 4: doc. 1254_PG.
Izvor i informacije o preslicima

The publication of the facsimile of M (Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Miscellanea atti diplomatici e privati, busta 2, doc. 56, fol. 5r) is granted free of charge by Archivio di Stato di Venezia by way of the “simplified procedure” of publishing archival facsimiles (La circolare della Direzione generale archivi n. 39 del 29 settembre 2017: procedura semplificata: pubblicazioni online che perseguano finalità scientifiche o pedagogiche, non beneficino di inserzioni pubblicitarie o commerciali e non siano soggette ad accesso a pagamento).

Photo by the editor.

The digital facsimile remains under the exclusive copyright of Archivio di Stato di Venezia.