Aquileian Patriarch and Margrave of Istria and Carniola Gregory of Montelongo invests Henry of Pazin and his heirs, represented by Cono of Momjan, with several fiefs which included Lupoglav and the adjacent village Gorenja Vas in Istria.
<Memoria investitionis castri de Lupoglau et cetera domino Henrico de Pisino in Istria a patriarcha>a
Dominus Gregorius Dei gratia sancte sedis Aquileiensis patriarcha et Istriae atque Carniolae marchio ad rectum et legale feudum investivit dominum Henricum de Pisino recipientem nomine suo et dominum Cononem de Mimilano, recipientem nomine filiarumb predicti Henrici quas nunc habet et, concedente Domino, erit habiturus cum presente uxore sua, filia domini Vicardi quondamc de Petrapilosa.
Feuda haec suntd:
[1] Castrum de Lupoglau,
[2] et villa quae est sub castro quae Abere Lupoglau dicitur,
[3] et quinque mansi in contrata Dornech in quadam villa quae vocatur Dabropollachf.
[4] Item in Marchia Carniolae villa una quae Luersporn vocatur cum decimis et cum omnibus aliis rationibus.
[5] Item in Pronug, in confinibus Respomh, super acqua Gurgi, in quantitate trium mansorum cum molendinis et decimis et omnibus rationibus.
Charta facta per Wernerium sub anno Domini 1264i, indictione VII, die 13j intrante iulio, in Burgo de Lauro in domo Varnerii dieti Varnusa.
Presentibus dominis Wernardo Dei gratia episcopo Petenensi, Vecelone abbate Beningensik, Iohanne archidiacono Aquilegensi, dominis Meynardo de Prata, Artuicho de Porcilis, Luduycho de Villalta, Dethemaro de Vendoy, Conrado de Savorgnano et dominis Henrico de Mels, Vernero de Portis, Senesio rictario domini patriarchae in Istria, Valterpertoldol de Spegnembergo, Leonardo marescalco de Tricano, Raputusso de Pinzanom testibus et aliis.
Ex codice apud nobiles de Zucco Cucaneae descripsit (S).n
a) add. in marg. sin. Liruti. b) filiarum—quas] filiorum—quos ed. Kandler et Schumi. c) om. Kandler. d) haec sunt] inv. Kandler. e) Aber Lupoglau] Ober-Lupoglau ed. Schumi; Ober Lupoglau ed. Kandler. f) Dobro-Pollach ed. Schumi; Dobro Pollach ed. Kandler. g) nisi Prossu; Prosu ed. Kandler. h) Respom cum sign. abbr. supra ultimam syllabam C; Respom ed. Schumi et Kandler. i) sic C; MCCLXIV ed. Schumi et Kandler. j) sic C; 13 ed. Schumi et Kandler. k) sic C: pro Beliniensi, sicut ed. Schumi et Kandler. l) Vaterpoldo ed. Kandler. m) de Pinzano] om. Schumi et Kandler. n) Ex codice—descripsit (S)] add. Liruti.
According to several authoritative historians such Peter Štih (cited above) and Camillo de Franceschi, this charter marks the very first mention of Lupoglav in historical sources. Thus, these historians believe that the castrum in Lupoglav could not have been built much earlier.
Other historians, including the editor, believe that the toponym "Lompaga" featured in Henry IV's donation charter to Margrave Ulrich (edited here) refers precisely to Lupoglav.
The problem with this interpretation is the fact that Lupoglav is certainly not mentioned in the Ulrich II's donation charter of 1102 to Patriarch Ulrich of Aquileia (edited here). This is the sole argument why De Franceschi and Štih refuse to identify "Lompaga" with Lupoglav.
However, the 1102 donation charter clearly states that Ulrich II bestows upon the Church of Aquileia his entire patrimony in Istria (excluding the four possessions that he had previously given to Maynard, Adalbert the Senior and Adalbert the Junior), and not only the places that he singled out: "and all that may be found in whatever other place belonging to us in this County, in cities as well as outside of them" ("vel per aliis quibuscumque locis invenire potueritis de nostris iuris rebus in eodem Comitatu, tam in civitatibus quamque et de foris"). Lupoglav would thus simply be one of the possessions that Ulrich (or the scribe) forgot to mention (or write down) but that was nonetheless donated to the Church of Aquileia by way of the aforementioned clause.
Be that as it may, Lupoglav officially ceased to be a possession of the Patriarchate of Aquileia after this investiture by which Patriarch Gregory relinquished the fort and the village in its district, along with other properties in the Karst region and in Carniola, to knight Henry of Pazin, a loyal ministerial of the counts of Gorizia.
Why did he do it? The most obvious answer is that the patriarch tried to establish amicable relations with both the counts of Gorizia and their loyal followers in Istria in order to build up his forces following the signing of the Treaty of Buzet (to be edited here presently). The plan failed and backfired.
The facsimile of C (Biblioteca civica “Vincenzo Joppi,” Fondo principale, ms. 873/A: Apographa de rerum Foroiuliensium historia, doc. 886) comes from the official web pages of the Biblioteca civica “Vincenzo Joppi” where the entire codex is available online for consultation free of any charge.
The editor has subsequently inserted two red arrows simply to denote the exact parts of the manuscript that are hereby edited.
The facsimile remains under the exclusive copyright of Biblioteca civica “Vincenzo Joppi” di Udine.