After having invaded and conquered Italy, King Otto I convokes a diet in Augsburg whereby he bestowed upon the defeated Berengar II and his son Adalbert the Kingdom of Italy, albeit somewhat reduced: the marches of Verona and Aquileia were ripped off from Italy and appended to the Duchy of Bavaria, governed by Otto's brother Henry. Since Istria formed part of the "March of Aquileia" (i. e. Friuli), this event marks the beginning of a new chapter of Istrian history.
[Sub anno DCCCCLII:]
Eodem tamen anno mediante augusto mense conventus Francorum, Saxonum, Baiwariorum, Alemannorum et Langobardorum publicus apud Augustanam urbe Retię provincię agitur, ubi prescriptus Berengarius cum filio suo Adalberto regię se per omnia in vassallicium dedidit dominationi et iterum Italiam cum gratia et dono regis accepit regendam. Marcha tantum Veronensis et Aquiliensis excipitur, quę Heinrico fratri regis committitur.
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The editor has subsequently marked the images with red rectangles to highlight the contents of the charter in question.