Lombard King Agilulf renews peace with the Byzantine Emperor and the Franks as the Slavs ravage across Istria (narrative accounts from Paul the Deacon's History of the Lombards).
Rex vero Agilulf pacem cum imperatore in annum unum itemque in alterum faciens, cum Francis quoque iterato pacis concordiam renovavit.
Hoc nihilominus anno Sclavi Histriam, interfectis militibus, lacrimabiliter depredati sunt.
King Agilulf, indeed, made peace with the Emperor for one year, and again for another, and he also renewed for a second time the bond of peace with the Franks.
In this year, nevertheless, the Slavs grievously devastated Istria after killing the soldiers who defended it.
[translation taken from Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards, trans. William Dudley Foulke, ed. Edward Peters (Philadelphia 2003; 1st ed. 1907), p. 189, and slightly modified by the editor.]
Another episode of Slavic incursions into Istria, at the time still a Byzantine province. For the entire story arc of Slavic incursions into Istria as read from the written primary sources, see this source.
The image comes from the project I libri dei patriarchi, available freely online on the following link: https://www.librideipatriarchi.it/
The editor has subsequently marked the image with a red vertical line simply to denote the part of the manuscript that is hereby edited.
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