Lombard King Authari dispatches an army led by duke Ewin of Trento to attack Istria, at the time a Byzantine province. Following successful Lombard attacks, a one-year peace is negotiated between the warring parties (narrative account from Paul the Deacon's History of the Lombards).
Hac tempestate rex Authari ad Histriam exercitum misit; cui exercitua Evin dux Tridentinus prefuit. Qui post predas et incendia, facta pacem in annum unum, magnam penuriamb regi detulerunt.
a) sic: pro exercitui. b) sic: pro pecuniam.
At this time king Authari sent an army to Istria commanded by Ewin, duke of Trento. After plundering and burnings, they made peace for one year and brought back a great sum of money to the king.
[translation taken from Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards, trans. William Dudley Foulke, ed. Edward Peters (Philadelphia 2003; 1st ed. 1907), pp. 134–35, and slightly modified by the editor.]
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