Vol. 1: A seculo VI usque ad 803
13th of August, 554

Emperor Justinian I issues a pragmatic sanction regulating the administration of the newly conquered Italy (the so-called sanctio pragmatica pro petitione Vigilii or epitome constitutionum Iustiniani de reformanda Italia).

The original is lost; the text survives in three later copies dating from late 8th to 9th century:
P = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 4568, fols 143v–147v; copy from the late 8th/early 9th century; the manuscript is digitized and available online for consultation here.
M = Milan, Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana, Triv. 688, fols. 232v-240v; 9th century manuscript; the manuscript is digitized and available online for consultation here.
U = Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Haenel 8 (3493), fols. 85v–90r; manuscript from the first half of the 9th century, the so-called codex Utinensis as it was originally a possession of the Archive of the Chapter of Udine (see more here); the manuscript is digitized and available online for consultation here.
Previous Editions
Rudolf Schoell and Wilhelm Kroll (eds.), Corpus iuris civilis, vol. 3: Novellae (Berlin 1895), appendix 2: Appendix constitutionum dispensarum, doc. 7, pp. 799–802.
FIM Edition
Reconstructive edition - but without the corrections of word forms featured in the manuscripts - based on all three surviving copies with different readings reported in the critical apparatus.

I. Ut omnia firma sint, quaea Amalasuintab vel Atalaricusc vel Theodatusd concesserunt.
Pro petitionee Vigili[i]f venerabilisg antiquiorish Romaei [episcopi]j quaedamk disponenda essel censuimus ad utilitatem omnium pertinentia, qui per occidentales partes habitarem noscuntur. Inprimis itaque iubemus, ut omnia quaen Atalaricuso vel Amalasuintap regia mater eius vel etiam Theodatusq Romanis vel Senatu poscenter concessa sunts, inviolabiliter conserventur. Sed et ea quaet a nobis vel a piaeu memoriaev Theodoraw augusta quondamx coniugey nostraz conlata sunt, volumus illibataaa servaribb, nullacc cuicumque dandadd licentia contra eaee venire, quaeff a predictas personasgg pro quibuscumque rebus velhh titulis data vel concessa esse noscunturii; excepta videlicet donatione a Theodatojj in Maximum pro rebus habitakk Marciani, ex quibus dimidiam portionem Liberio viro gloriosissimo dedisse meminimusll, reliquamm dimidiann Maximo viro magnifico relictaoo; quas apudpp utrumqueqq firmiter manere censemusrr.

II. Ut pera Totilanem factasb donationes omnes irritaec sint.
Si quid a Totilaned tyranno factume vel donatum esse invenitur cuicumquef Romano seu cuicumque alio, servareg vel in sua firmitate manere nulloh modo concedimus. Sed res ablatasi ab huiusmodi detentatoribus antiquis dominisj reformarik praecipimusl. Quod enim per illum tyrannidis eius tempore factum esse invenitur, hoc legitima nostra notare tempora non concedimus.

III. Nemini noceat in captivitate gentiuma amissio instrumentorum.
Licet enim generalib legec prospectumd est, ne instrumentorum amissio dominis pro quibus instrumenta conscriptae sunt, quodcumque praeiudiciumf rerum possit inferre, tamen specialiter etiam per illa loca hoc renovare censuimus, cum sciamus per diversas calamitates et hostiles pervasiones tam in ipsa civitate Romana quam in aliis locis hominibus instrumenta perisse. Nequaquamg igitur ex hoc quicumque patianturh calumniam aut aliquod sustinea[n]ti detrimentum, sancimusj utk instrumentorum quidem amissionem vel corruptionem nulluml praeiudiciumm pro domino vel possessionen [vel]o pro credito dominis rerum vel possessoribus aut creditoribus pro quibus instrumentap conscripta fuissentq, inferre.
Pragmaticar data Idibus augusti Constantinopoli, imperante domino nostro Iustiniano pios perpetuo augustot anno XXVIII, post consulatum Basili[i]u viri clarissimi anno XIIIv.

Sed et si quis res absentisa vel etiam capti, forsitan greges, per suam aut cuiuslibet auctoritatemb invasitc vel petendo eas tenuit, reverso eo vel liberato sine ulla dilationed iubemuse restitui ipsi vel etiam heredibus eius. Et si forte ille fatale munus subiit, etiam heredibus eius restituatur, [ut]f legumg auctoritas suggerith.
Anno, die et consulatoi suprascriptis.

V. Non praesumata quis alienum.
Qui[a]b autem verisimilec putamusd diversose tyrannidisf tempore res suas per metumg alienasse hominibus vel officium quo[d]cumqueh gerentibus vel alia[m]i a Totilaj commissamk actionem vel potentiam vel gratiaml apudm eum habentibus, sive venditionen vel quibuscumque contracti tituliso, modo vero quod factum est prius rescindi desiderare, utpote per violentiam velp per metum tyranniciq temporis factum, sancimusr omnibus esse licentiam sui recipiendi sive vindicandis vel possessionest a iudice adipiscendaeu pretiisv tantummodo videlicet restitutis, quaew tamen eo qui se dedisse perhibet adprobante veraciter constiterit exsoluta,nec aliquox postea modo vel fraude subtracta vel ab eo recepta; cum non absque ratione esse putamusy, multa tunc temporaz per metum vel violentiam facta esse, quaeaa nostris temporibus rescindi exposcit iustitiabb; poenacc videlicet instrumentis inserta propter praedictasdd sanctionesee modis omnibus quiescente.
Data sub die, anno etff consulato suprascriptis.

VI. De temporaa postliminiumb, id estc post captivitatemd.
Cume autem Deo propitio nostro imperiof sint omnes restituti, sancimusg pro nostrarum legum auctoritateh trigintai nec non et quadragintaj annorum praescriptionemk, alias insuper legibusl locum habere et suamm tenere per omnia firmitatem, his dumtaxat temporibus, quaen abo adventup tyrannorum bellica confusioq conprehenditr, nullatenuss in praescriptionumt curriculis imputandisu.
Data Idibus augusti Constantinopoli, imperantev domino nostro Iustiniano perpetuow augustox anno XXVIII, post consulatum Basili[i]y viri clarissimi anno XIII.

VII. Ut instrumenta inrita [non]a revocentur.b
[Cum autem]c cognovimus, dum hostilisd ferocitas Romanam civitatem vel alias obsiderete, diversos contractusf esse factosg inter Romanos qui obsidebantur vel etiam instrumenta conscripta, in praesentih vero quosdam praedictosi contractusj rescindere vel etiam instrumenta irritak revocare, sancimusl, etsi postea perm hostilem incursionem huiusmodi documenta perierunt, nullam esse licentiam quaen facta sunt infirmandio, sed omnesp contractusq obsidionis tempore factosr in sua firmitate durare, instrumentiss etiam competentemt vim habiturisu etv nullumw per eorum amissionem dominis praeiudiciumx generandumy. Quod enimz rite perfectum est, per fortuitosaa belli casusbb subverticc subtilitatis non patitur ratio.
Data anno, die etdd consulatoee suprascriptis.

VIII. De res mobiles vel immobilesa.b
Res insuper mobiles vel immobilesc seseque moventes, quas a Theodoricid regis temporibus usque ad nefandissimi Totilaee superventum quocumque iure vel titulo Romani possedisse noscuntur per se vel usufructuarias vel alias personas, per quas unumquemque praecepitf possidere, in posterum sine aliqua concussioneg apudh eos servamus, eo videlicet ordine quodi per praedictaj tempora easdem res possedissek noscuntur.
Data anno, diel et indictione suprascriptism.

VIIII. Pro immunitatea tributorum.
Ne autem tributorum exactionisb intuituc habitatores patianturd molestias quascumquee provinciarumf, sancimusg nulliush maioris dignitatis officia pro exigendis functionibus dirigii, sed per provinciarumj iudices et eorum officiak quodcumquel damnumm collatoresn sustinere pro tributorum videantur exactione; licentiao non denegandap maioribus iudicibus et eorum officiisq, si minus inlataer fuerint functiones, ipsos iudices ets eorum officia convenire, et quod minus est inlatumt exigereu, etv tam publicaew rationes quam collatorisx utilitas procuretur.
Data anno, die et consulatoy suprascriptis.

X. De confirmatione absolutisa tributorum.
Ipsarum enim functionum solutionem per consueta loca vel tempora solemniterb praecipimusc fieri, nulla innovationed per hostilem adventume solutioni tributorum penitusf inferendag, sed pro sua consuetudineh vel nostrorum beneficiorum tenore sive ad arcami sive in provinciaj unumquemque solutionem in posterum etiam celebrarek.
Data anno, die et consulatol suprascriptis.

XI. Ut leges imperatorum per provinciasa ipsorum dilatentur.
Iura insuper vel leges codicibus nostris insertasb, quas iam sub edictali programmatec in Italiamd dudum misimuse, obtineref sancimusg. Sed et eas, quash postea promulgavimus constitutiones, iubemus sub edictalii propositione vulgari, [et]j ex eo tempore, quo sub edictalik programmatel vulgatem fuerint, etiam per partes Italiaen obtinereo, ut una Deo volente facta, republicap legum etiam nostrarum ubique prolatetur auctoritas.
Dataq anno, die et consulator suprascriptis.

XII. De suffragioa collatorum.
Provinciarumb etiam iudices ab episcopis et primatibus uniuscuiusque regionis idoneos eligendos et sufficientes ad locorum administrationem ex ipsis videlicet iubemus fieri provinciisc, quas administraturi sunt sine suffragio litisd etiam codicillis per conpetenteme iudicemf eisg praestandish ita videlicet, ut si aliquam collatoribus laesionemi intulisse inveniantur aut supra statuta tributa aliquid exegissej, vel in coemptionibusk mensuris inormibusl aliisquem praeiudiciisn vel gravaminibuso aut iniquis solidorum ponderibus possessores damnificasse, ex suis satisfaciant facultatibus. Quod etiam si quis de administratoribus aut actionariis de praeteritorump nefandorum tyrannorum tempore fecisse invenitur, ex suis facultatibus ei a quo abstulit restituere iubemus, cumq nos indemnitatemr subiectorum undique volumus procurari.
Data Idibus augusti Constantinopolis, imperante domino nostrot Iustiniano perpetuo augustou anno XXVIII, post consulatumv Basili[i]w viri clarissimi anno XIII.

XIII. Ut proprietas unicuique restituatur.
Cum autem cognovimusa, inimicis Deo propitiob diversis expulsis provinciisc quosdam gregesd invenientes ab illis relictas et suo eas vindicare dominio, licet ad alios antea pertinebant, sancimuse causaf discussa, quantum quidem ad eos pertinetg, eis praestarih. Si quid vero ab aliis agnoscituri, dominumj suak recipere, quod vero exceptol domino non cognosciturm, intern illos distribui, qui per eandem provinciam gregeso amisisse inveniunturp, divisione proq rata portioner scilicets facienda.
Data anno, die et consulatot suprascriptis.

XIIII.a De eisb, cui aliquidc ablatum est, ut restituatur.
Si quisd etiam collatorum per occasionem tributorum exactionese vel cuiuslibet oneris praetextuf autg alio inrationabili modo a quibusdam in auro vel in speciebus lesih esse noscuntur, hoc etiam competenter ei cui ablatum est iubemus sine ambiguitate restitui, ut undique provinciarum habitatores legitimei sua recipiant et nostri temporis possint felicitatem sentire.
Data annoj die et consulato suprascriptis.

XV.a De servis qui tyrannorum tempore liberas duxerunt uxores.
Illud etiamb praeteritisc capitulis inserendum esse censuimus, ut, si quid per Gothicaee ferocitatis nefandissimaf tempora servi constituti liberasg uxores inveniantur duxisse, vel etiam liberish hominibus ancillaei coniunctaej, licentiam quidem liberek personael discedendi per praesentesm nostros mereantur affectusn, ancilla videlicet vel servo in dominorum suorum iura remanentibuso, nullo praeiudiciop dominis servorum vel ancillarum ex praeteritoq tempore generando. Si vero in posterum etiam coniugia tenenda esse putaverint, nullum praeiudiciumr circa libertatem propriam patianturs, fili[i]t vero maternam condicionemu sequantur; quod etiam in illis qui ex tali coniugio nati sunt obtinerev iubemus.
Data Idibusw augusti Constantinopoli, imperante domino nostrox Iustiniano pio perpetuo augusto anno XXVIIIy, postz consulatum Basili[i]aa viri clarissimi anno XIII.

XVI. De servosa vel colonosb ab alioc detentos.
Servosd etiam vel colonos, quos ab aliquo contigite detinerif, suis restitui dominis unag cum medii temporis prole iubemus.
Data die, anno et consulato suprascriptis.

XVII. De Deo dicatas virginesa.
Cum autem tyrannicaeb ferocitatis praesumptionemc res etiam inlicitas quasi permissas egisse sine dubio sit, sancimusd, ut si quie mulieres Deo sacratas vel habitum religiosum habentes sibi coniunxissef inveniantur, nullam eisg tenendi vel dotesh forte conscriptas exigendii licentiam habeant, immo magis nolentes mulieres abstrahanturj ack suis iterum monasteriis vel aecclesiisl aut sancto proposito cui dedicatęm sunt restituantur.
Data sub dien Idibus augusti Constantinopoli, imperante domino nostro Iustiniano pio perpetuoo augusto anno XXVIII, post consulatum Basili[i]p viri clarissimi anno XIII.

XVIII. Ne pera comparationesb specierumc collatorumd graventur.
Ne vero per coemptionese etiam quodcumque collatores detrimentum sustinere inveniantur, sancimusf per unamquamqueg provinciamh illarum fieri specierum coemptionem, quaei per eandemj provinciamk abundarel noscuntur; neque enimm eius, quod ibi non abunden nascitur, coemptionemo fieri patimur; pretiisp videlicet pro specierum venalitatemq, quaer tunc temporis in foro rerum venalium obtineres noscuntur, statuendis, ipsis tamen pretiist specierum unicuique collatorum in tributorum inputandisu exactionem. Commerciisv videlicet navium nullo modo prohibendis, ut et noster felicissimus exercitus possit nutriri et collatores aurarias functiones ex abundantiumw specierumx commercioy infundere valeant; distributionez coemptionisaa pro arbitrio tam locorum antistitisbb quam primatumcc uniuscuiusquedd [regionis]ee celebranda, neff collatores ex officiorum avaritiagg per quemcumque modumhh opprimi videantur.
Data die, anno et consulatoii suprascriptis.

XVIIII. De mensuris et ponderibus.
Ut autem nulla fraudis vel lesionisa provinciarumb nascatur occansioc, iubemus in illis mensuris vel ponderibus species vel pecunias dari vel suscipi, quaed beatissimo papaee vel amplissimo Senatui nostraf pietas in praesentig contradidith.
Data die, anno et consulatoi suprascriptis.

XX. De mutatione solidorum id est monetęa.
Cum autem scimus, veterum Romanorum principumb solidos per illa loca facile inveniri, conperimusc autem negotiatoresd vel alios quosdam propter mutationeme solidorum dispendium aliquod collatoribus nostris inferre, sancimusf solidos Romanorum principum forma signatosg sine permutationish dispendio per omnes provinciasi ambularej et per eos celebrari contractusk; euml qui dispendium aliquod pro mutationem solidorum inferre praesumpseritn, pro unoquoque solido alterum tantum eio, cump quoq contraxerit, inferatr.
Data Idibuss augusti Constantinopolit, imperante domino nostrou Iustiniano piov perpetuo augusto anno XXVIII, post consulatumw Basiliix viri clarissimiy anno XIII.

XXI. Ut pretioa satisfaciatb de quoc tulitd quis.
Si quis etiam de rebus immobilibuse ad alium pertinentibus aliquemf ornatum vel materiamg abstulisseh inveniaturi, modis omnibus restituere, vel si iam alicui iniunctaj sint aedificiok, pretiol satisfacere coarteturm, ut undique nostrarum legum conserveturn auctoritas. Instrumenta etiam, quaeo ad alios pertinentia forte abp aliis detinentur, prioribusq dominis iubemus restitui, ut omnes undique nostrarum legum adiutorior potianturs. Si vero instrumentum perisse inveniatur, cuius exemplar apudt alterum invenituru, utpotev duobus scriptis autenticisw prout in contractibusx solutumy est, ex eo, quod apudz partem alteram invenitur, aliud conscribi iubemus et partiaa dari, cuius iam instrumenta perieruntbb, ut conpetentemcc possit haberedd cautelam. Sed et si quis instrumentum alienum sive ipse tollendo sive quocumque casuee inveniendoff malignitategg vel incendit vel abscondit aut corrupithh autii quocumque modo haberejj desieritkk, tunc quanti interest eius, ad cuius iura instrumenta pertinebunt, hisll qui dolum fecit satisfacere conpelliturmm.
Data dienn, anno et consulatooo suprascriptis.

XXII. Ut annonas ministrentura medicis et diversisb.
Annonam etiam, quam et Theodoricusc dare solitusd erat et nos etiam Romanis indulsimus, in posterum etiam dari praecipimuse, sicut etiam annonas, quaef grammaticisg ach uratoribusi vel etiam medicis vel iurisperitis anteaj dari solitumk erat, et in posterum suam professionem scilicet exercentibus erogaril praecipimusm, quatenusn iuvenes liberalibus studiis eruditi per nostram rempublicamo floreant.
Data die, anno etp consulato suprascriptis.

XXIII. Ut civiliter inter se causas audiant.
Lites etiam inter duos procedentes Romanos vel ubi Romana persona pulsatur, pera civiles iudices exercerib iubemusc, cum talibus negotiis vel causis iudices militaresd inmisceree se ordo non patiturf.
Data die, anno etg consulatoh suprascriptis.

XXIIII. Ut mutationes in suo statu stenta.
Rei publicaeb permutationes etiam velc comparationesd sive competitionese cum publicof factasg usque ad adventum sceleratęh memoriae Totilei in sua firmitatej servamusk, sil tamen nulli aliquid alio possidentem competitn.
Data die, anno eto consulato suprascriptis.

XXV. Ut fabricasa publicasb serventur.
Consuetudinesc etiam et privilegiad Romanaee civitatis vel publicarumf fabricarum reparationig vel alveoh Tiberino vel foro aut portuii Romano suej reparationik formarum concessa servari praecipimusl, itam videlicet, ut exn isdemo tantummodop titulis, ex quibus delegata fuerunt, praestenturq.
Data die, anno [et]r consulatos suprascriptis.

XXVI. Ut per negotiatores coemptiones fiant.
Super haeca cognovimus, Calabriaeb vel Apuliaec provinciaed possessoribus pro coemptionibus non inferendis superindicticiume titulum impositumf esse pro unaquaqueg millenah; unde coemptiones per negotiatores annis singulis exerceri, in praesentii vero negotiatoribus specierum coemptiones recusare temptanesj tamk superindicticium titulum quam coemptionisl onusm provinciaen possessoribuso inminerep; cumq abunder mercatores sint, per quos possints exerceri coemptiot, sancimusu magnitudinem tuam haecv examinantemw, si possibile sit per negotiatores speciesx comparatasy inferri, collatores provinciaez nullatenus praegravariaa, cum superindicticiobb titulo semel eiscc inpositodd coemptionisee etiam onusff inferre sit inpossibilegg.
Data die, anno ethh consulatoii suprascriptis.

XXVII. Ut qui voluerinta ad praesentiamb imperatoris navigare, non impedianturc.
Viros etiam gloriosissimos acd magnificos senatores ad nostrume accedere comitatum volentibusf sine quocumque impedimentog venire concedimus, neminemh prohibendi eos habituro licentiam, ne senatoribus nostris vel collatoribus debitus introitus quodammodo videaturi excludi. Sed etiam ad Italiaej provinciaek eundil eis et ibim quantum voluerint tempus commorandin pro reparandis possessionibus aperimus licentiam, cum dominiso absentibus recrearip possessiones aut conpetentemq mereri culturam difficile sit.

Quaea igitur per hancb divinam pragmaticamc sanctionemd nostra statuite aeternitasf, magnitudog tua modis omnibus effectui mancipare observariqueh procureti, poenaj decemk librarum auri imminentel contra temeratores nostrarum iussionumm.

Pragmatican data Idibus augusti Constantinopolio, imperante domino nostro Iustiniano piop perpetuoq augusto anno XXVIII, post consulatum Basili[i]r viris clarissimi anno XIII.

Narsi viro illustro praepositot sacri cubiculi, Anthiocou viro magnificov praefectow per Italiax.

Critical apparatus

I. a) quę P. b) Amalacuncta P; Amalacynta M; Malauncta U. c) Attalaricus PM. d) Teudatus P; Teodatus M. e) petitionem MU. f) Vigili PMU.g) venerabelis M. h) antiquoris M. i) Romę PU. jomPMU; add. Schoell et Kroll. k) quędam PU. l) essent U. m) abitare P. n) quę P. o) Attalaricus P; Athalaricus M; Adalaricus U. p) Amalasuintha PM. q) Teodatus P; Teudatus M. r) poscentem U. s) concessa sunt] sic PMU: pro concesserunt sec. Schoell et Kroll. t) quę P. u) pie P. v) memorię P. w) Teodora P. x) condam M. y) coniugem U. z) nostram U. aa) illivata PM; inlibata U. bb) servare P. cc) nullam U. dd) data MU. ee) eam U. ff) quę P. gg) predictas personas] sic PMU: pro praedictis personis sec. Schoell et Kroll. hhomU. iiseq. ex prioribus addU. jj) Teodato P; Teudato M. kk) abita P. ll) meminemus M. mm) reliquam U. nn) dimidiam PU. oo) relicto U. pp) aput M. qq) utriusque P. rr) censuimus P; cessimus U.
II. a) pro P. bsic PMU: pro factae. c) irrite PM; inritę U. d) Totilanem P. e) facto P. f) cuique P. gsic PMU: pro servari. h) nullum PM. i) ablata U. j) dominus P. k) reformare M.  l) precipimus P.
III. a) gentium PM; gencium U; degentium coni. Schoell et Kroll. bseq. et canc. P; generale U. c) leges U. d) prosectum U. e) inscripta U. f) pręiudicium P. gsic PMU: pro ne quam coni. Schoell et Kroll. h) faciantur P; patitur M; paciatur U; patiantur coni. Schoell et Kroll. i) sustineat PMU. j) sanccimus U. komU. l) nullus P. m) preiudicium P. n) possessionem U. oomPMU; add. Schoell et Kroll. p) instrumento P. q) fuisse PM. r) pragmatum PM; prag. U. somU. t) imperante domino nostro pio Iustiniano perpetuo augusto] imperii domini Iustiniani perpetui augusti coni. Schoell et Kroll. u) Basil P; Basili M; Bilisari U. v) XIIII P; XII U.
IIII. a) absentes U. b) auctoritate M. c) minuasit M. d) liberato sine ulla dilatione] liberatos in ullam dilationem U. e) iuvemus P. fomPMU; coni. Schoell et Kroll. g) legis P. h) subgerit M. i) consoles U.
V. a) presumat PU. b) qui PMU; quia coni. Schoell et Kroll. c) virisimile U. d) potamus M; ponamus P. e) diverso P. f) tyrannides U. g) per metum] permetuunt PM. h) quocumque P; quoque MU. i) alia PMU. j) a Totila] a tutela P; at tutela M; ad utela U; a Totila coni. Schoell et Kroll. k) comissa vel U. l) gravam U. m) aput M. n) vinditionis M; vinditiones U; seq. sive donationis addM. o) titulos PM; titulo U. p) aut MU. q) tyrannicis U. r) sanccimus U. sseq. Spiritus Sanctus docebit vos [ex nos corr.], alleluia add al. man. inf. l. P. tsic PMU: pro possessionis. u) adipiscendę P; adipiscende U. v) praeciis M. w) qui P. x) aliqui U. y) potamus M. z) tempore PM. aa) quę P. bb) iustitiam U. cc) poenę P. dd) predictas P. ee) sancciones U. ffomU.
VI. asic PMU; tempora coni. Schoell et Kroll. b) postliminum P; postliminium MU; pro: postliminii sec. Schoell et KrollcomP. d) captivitate P. e) dum MU. f) nostro imperio] nostri imperii U. g) sanccimus U. h) auctoritatem U. i) XXX U. j) XL U. k) prescriptionem P. lseq. lacunam coni. Schoell et Kroll. m) sua U. n) quę P; que M. o) ad PM. p) adventum U. q) confusione U. r) conpraehendit M. s) nullatinus M. t) prescriptionum P; praescriptionem U. u) inputandis PM. vomP. w) PC cum sign. abbr. pro post consulatum MU. xomMU. y) Basili PM; Basilium U.
VII. a) om. PMU; coni. Schoell et Kroll. btitulum rubricae om. M. com. PMU; coni. Schoell et Kroll. d) hostiles MU. e) obsiderit M; obsederet U. f) contractos M; contractores U. g) factori P. h) presenti P. i) predictos P. jex contractos corrP; contractos U. komMU. l) sanccimus U. m) pro U. n) quę PU. o) confirmandi ex corrU. p) omnis M. q) contractos U. r) factus PM. s) instrumenti P. t) conpetentem PU. u) habituri P. v) sed PM. w) nullum – praeiudicium generendum] sic PMU: pro nullo praeiudicio generendo sec. Schoell et Kroll. x) preiudicium P; praeiudicium U. yvedi notam signatam “w”. z) domini P. aa) fortuitu U. bb) belli casus] bellica MU. cc) verti P; subverti M; subvertis U. ddomU. ee) consulibus U.
VIII. a) inmobiles M. btitulum rubricae om. U; sic PM: pro de rebus mobilibus vel immobilibus. c) inmobiles PM. d) Theuderici U. e) Tutele P; Totile U. f) precepit P. g) concussionem U. h) aput M. isic PMU: pro quo sec. Schoell et Kroll. j) predicta P. k) possedere M. l) diae M. m) suprascriptae M.
VIIII. a) inmunitate MU. b) exactiones PM; exactione U. c) instituitu U. d) paciantur U. e) quoscumque M. f) provintiarum U. g) sanccimus U. h) nullus MU. i) dirigere U. j) provintiarum U. khic lacuna esse videtur sec. Schoell et Kroll. l) quocumque U. m) damno U. n) conlatores U. o) licentiam PU. p) denegandam PU. q) officii U. r) inlate PU. somU. t) illatum P. u) exegere M. v) aetiam M; sic PU: pro ut sec. Schoell et Kroll. w) puplice P; puplicae M; publice U. x) collatores M; conlatores U. y) constit cum sign. abbr. U.
X. asic PMU: pro absolutionis sec. Schoell et Kroll. b) sollemniter PM. c) precipimus P. d) nulla innovatione] nullam innovationem U. e) adventus U. f) poenitus MU. g) inferendas U. h) consuitudine M; consuetudinem U. i) aream U. j) provinciam M; provintiam U. kex celclebrare corrP. l) constit cum signabbrU.
XI. a) provintias U. b) inserta P. c) edictali programmate] edicta libro grammate M. d) Italia U. e) misemus M. f) optinere P. g) sanccimus U. h) sic PMU: pro quae sec. Schoell et Kroll. i) edictale U. jomPMU; add. Schoell et Kroll. k) quo sub edictali] quas ubedictali M. l) programmate vulgatae] programma ęvolgatę P. msic MU. n) Italię P. o) optinere P. p) repuplica PM. qomP. r) constitut cum sign. abbr. U.
XII. a) suffra U. b) provintiarum U. c) provintiis U. dsic PMU: pro solitis sec. Schoell et Kroll. esic PMU. f) iudicis U. gomU. h) prestandis PU. i) lesionem P; lesiones U. j) exigisse U. k) quoemptionibus P; cemptionibus U. lex inormimbus corr. et sic P: pro enormibus; inurmibus M; om. U. m) aliisquae M. n) preiudiciis P. o) gravamanibus U. p) preteritorum P; praetorium U. q) eum U. r) indempnitatem M. somP. tomPU. uomU. v) post consulatum] patrici M. w) Basili PM; Basilium U.
XIII. a) agnovimus U. b) propicio M. c) provintiis U. d) grecis U. e) sanccimus U. f) caussa M. g) pertinent U. h) prestari P; praestare U. i) agnoscetur P. j) domino U. k) suam U. lsic PMU: pro ex certo sec. Schoell et Kroll. m) cognusti U. n) inter illos — ad provinciam omU. o) gregis U. psic PMU: pro inveniantur sec. Schoell et Kroll. qex prole corr. P. rex porsetione corr. P. s) portione scilicet] scilicet portione invMU. t) consule PM; constit cum sign. abbr. U.
XIIII. atotum capitulum XIV om. U. bsic PM: pro eo sec. Schoell et Kroll. c) aliquit M. dsic PM: pro qui sec. Schoell et Kroll. esic PM: pro exactionis sec. Schoell et Kroll. f) pretextu P. g) ut P. hsic PM. i) legitimę P. j) anno, die] die, anno inv. P.
XV. a) XIV U et sic deinceps. bseq. in add. U. c) preteritis P. d) quis U. e) Gothicę P; Guthicae M; Gutice U. fex nefandissime corr. P; ex nefandissama corr. U. g) liveras M. h) liberis — licentiam om. U. i) ancillę P; ancille M. j) coniunctę P. ksic PUM. l) personę P; persone U. m) presentes P; praesentis U. nsic PM: pro affatus sec. Schoell et Kroll; afectum U. osic PM: pro remeantibus sec. Schoell et Kroll; manentibus U. p) preiudicio P. q) preterito P. r) pręiudicium P. s) paciantur U. t) fili PM; si U. u) conditionem MU. v) optinere PU. w) Idus U. xom. U. yex XXIIII corr. M. z) pro U. aa) Basili PM; Basali U.
XVI. asic PM: pro servis; servo P. b) colonos – detentos] sic PMU: pro colonis – detentis. c) alios P. d) servus P; si servos U. e) contegit P. f) deteneri ex corr. U. g) unam M.
XVII. a) dicatas virgines] sic PMU: pro dicatis virginibus. b) tyrannicę P; tyrannice U. c) presumptionem P. d) sanccimus U. e) quis P. f) coniuncxisse M. gsic PMU: pro eas sec. Schoell et Kroll. h) dotis M. i) exigendi — suis om. P. j) abstraantur M. k) ad U. l) ecclesiis PU. msic PM; dedicate U. n) sub die] om. PU. oom. U. p) Basili PM; Basiliu U.
XVIII. a) pro P. b) conparationes M. c) espetiarum U. dsic PMU: pro collatores sec. Schoell et Kroll. e) coemtiones M. f) sanccimus U. g) unumquamque P; unamquemque MU. h) provintiam U. i) quę P; que U. j) eadem U. k) provintiam U. l) habundare M. mom. MU. n) habunde M; habunda U. o) coemtionem M. p) praetiis M; preciis U. qsic PM: pro venalitate sec. Schoell et Kroll; vel nobilitatem U. r) quę P; que M. s) optinere PU. t) praetiis M. usic PM; inpotandis U. v) comertiis M. w) habundantium PM. x) spetierum U. y) commertio M; comertio U. z) distributionis U. aa) coemptione U. bb) antistites P; antistetis M; antestitis U. cc) primatos U. dd) uniuscuiuscumque U. eeom. PMU; add. Schoell et Kroll. ff) ne collatores — quemcumque om. U. gg) avatia P. hh) modo U. ii) constit cum sign. abbr. U.
XVIIII. asic PMU. b) provintiarum U. c) sic PMU. d) quę P. e) papę P. f) nam U. g) presenti P; praesente U. h) contradedit U. i) consti cum sign. abbr. U.
XX. asic P; monite MU. b) principium P. csic PMU. d) negociatores U. e) mutacionem U. f) sanccimus U. g) signatus U. h) permutationes U. i) provintias U. j) ambolare M. k) contractos U. l) eum – inferat sic PM: pro eo – inferente sec. Schoell et Kroll; eam – inferat U. m) mutationi P. n) presumpserit P. o) et MU. p) ei P. qom. U. rvedi notam signatam “l”.s) Idus U. t) Constantinopoli — augusto om. U. uom. U. vom. PU. w) post consulatum] pp cum sign. abbr. P. x) Basili M; Basilio P. y) viri clarissimi] consulato P.
XXI. a) pretium P; precium M. b) satisfaciant U. c) de quo] et quod P. d) tollet U. e) inmobilibus U. f) aliquid U. g) materię U. h) abstolissit M. iex inveniantur corr. M. j) iniunctis P. k) edificio P. l) praeo M; precio U. m) quoartetur M. n) conservetur — legum om. U. o) quę P. pom. M. q) prioris P. r) adiutorium U. s) pociantur U. t) aput PM. u) inventiatur MU. v) utpute M. wsic P; attenticis M; auentiocis U. x) contractis P. ysic PMU: pro solitum sec. Schoell et Kroll. z) aput M. aa) patri M. bb) parierunt M. ccsic PMU. dd) havere M. eeex causu corr. M. ff) inveniendum P. gg) malignitatem U. hh) corrumpit U. ii) at M. jj) havere M. kk) dessierit U; seq. u canc. P. llsic PMU. mmsic PMU. nnseq. et add. MU. oo) constit cum sign. abbr. U.
XXII. a) annonas ministrentur] sic PMU: pro annona ministretur sec. Shoell et Kroll. b) et diversis] om. U. c) Theodericus M; Theudericus U. dex solidus corr. M. e) precipimus P. f) quę P. g) gramaticis U. h) ac oratoribus] accuratoribus U. isic PM. j) ante MU. kex solidum corr. M. l) ęrogari M. m) precipimus P. n) quatinus M. o) rempuplicam PM. pom. P.
XXIII. a) per civiles — negotiis vel om. U. b) exercere P. c) iuvemus P. d) militare U. esic PMU. f) patiantur MU. gom. PM. h) const cum sign. abbr. U.
XXIIII. a) statu stent] status teneant U. b) puplice P; puplicae M; publice U. com. M. d) conparationes MU. e) conpetitiones MU. f) puplico PM. g) facta U. hsic P; scelaratę M; scelerate U. isic M; Tutele P; Atile U. j) firmitatis U. k) firmamus P. lsic U. msic PMU: pro possidenti sec. Schoell et Kroll. n) conpetit MU. oom. PM.
XXV. a) fabricas publicas] sic PMU: pro fabricae publicae. b) puplicas PM. c) consuitudinem M. d) privilegio P. e) Romane U. f) puplicarum M. g) reparatione MU. h) albeo P. i) fortui MU. jsic MU: pro sive sec. Schoell et Kroll; suę P. k) reparationis U. l) precipimus P. mseq. ut add. U. n) ex isdem tantummodo titulis] om. U. o) hisdem PM. p) tantumodo M. q) prestentur PU. rom. PMU. s) const cum sign. abbr. U.
XXVI. a) hęc P; hec U. b) Calabria PU. c) Apulię P. d) provincię P; provintiae U. e) superindictium M. f) inpositum PU. g) unaquaeque MU. h) mellena M; millina U. i) presenti P; pręsenti M. jsic PM: pro temptantibus sec. Schoell et Kroll; temptationes U. k) tam superindicticium — coemptionis om. U. l) coemtioni M. m) sonus M; unus U. n) provincie P; provintiae U. o) posses M. psic PMU. q) quum ex quod corr. P. r) ab eundem U. ssic PMU: pro possit. t) coemtio M. u) sanccimus U. v) hec P. w) magnitudinem tuam – examinantem] sic PMU: pro magnitudine tua – examinante sec. Schoell et Kroll. x) speties U. y) conparatas U. z) provincię P; provintię U. aa) pręgravari P; ex praegraari corr. U. bb) superindictico M; superindicto U. cc) semel eis] similitis U. ddsic PMU. ee) coemptiones U. ff) honus P; munus U. ggsic PMU. hhom. PM. ii) const cum sign. abbr. U.
XXVII. a) voluerit P. b) presentiam P. c) inpediatur P; inpediantur M. d) hac U. e) nostram PM. fsic PMU: pro volentes sec. Schoell et Kroll. g) inpedimento MU. hsic PMU: pro nemine sec. Schoell et Kroll. i) videantur U. j) Italię PU. ksic M: pro provinciam; provincia P; provintiae U. l) undi M; eunde U. m) ubi U. n) comeandi M; commeandi U. o) dominus P. p) segregari U. qsic PMU.

a) Quę PU. b) hac M. c) pregmaticam U. d) sanccionem U. e) statui M; statuta U. f) aeternitos M. gsic PMU: pro magnitudo sec. Schoell et Kroll. h) observare quae M; observaraque U. i) procurit M. j) poenam U. k) X U. l) inminente U. mex iussione corr. P; iussionem U. n) pragmat cum sign. abbr. M; pragmaticam PU. o) Constantinopoli — augusto om. M. pom. P. q) pc cum sign. abbr. pro post consulatum U. r) Basili PMU. s) viri clarissimi — sacri cubiculi om. U. t) preposito P. usic PMU. v) mognifico U. w) prefecto P. xsic PMU.


1. That all grants made by Amalasuinta or Atalaricus or Theodatus shall be valid.
Upon petition of Vigilius, venerable bishop of ancient Rome, we have thought it best to make some directions which are for the benefit of all those who live in the West. We order therefore in the first place, that everything that was granted by Atalaricus or Amalasuinta, his imperial mother, or Theodatus to the Romans, including what was granted upon request of the Senate, shall remain valid. We also want to remain valid everything that was granted by us or by Theodora Augusta, of blessed memory, formerly our spouse, and no permission is given anyone to do anything against that which was by the aforesaid persons given or granted for any purpose of for any reason, excepting herefrom the gift of the property of Marcianus made by Theodatus to Maximus, the half of which we remember to have given to the glorious Liberius, leaving the remaining portion to the magnificent Maximus; these portions shall firmly remain in their respective possession.

2. That all the gifts made by Totila shall be void.
If anything was done for or given to any Roman or other person by the tyrant Totila, it shall not remain of any force or effect, but we direct that the things taken shall be restored to the former owners by these persons who detain them. For whatever is found to have been done by him during his tyranny shall not stain our time of legitimacy.

3. The loss of instruments shall not prejudice those living in captivity.
Although it is provided by a general law, that the loss of instruments, executed for them, shall not prejudice any persons as to their property, nevertheless we think if best to specially renew it in those places, a since we know that through various calamities and hostile incursions in the city of Rome and in other places, men have lost their instruments. In order, therefore, that no one may be unjustly sued or sustain any detriment, we ordain that the loss of instruments or the spoliation thereof shall not prejudice owners, possessors or creditors for whom instruments were executed, as to their ownership, possession or debt.
Pragmatic (sanction) given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our pious, always august, lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

And if anyone has upon his own initiative or by order of anyone seized the property, for instance the flocks, of an absent person or of a captive or holds it by claiming it, we direct it to be restored to him (the absent person) without delay, upon his return or liberation, or to his heirs. As the authority of law provides, it must be restored to his heirs if he succumbs to death.
[Given on] the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

5. No one shall seize the property of another.
Since we think it likely that various persons, in the time of the tyranny, alienated their property through fear to persons who held some office or were commissioned by Totila for some transaction, or who had power or favor under him, making such alienation by sale or by virtue of some other contract, but now desire to rescind what was formerly done, because done through violence or fear in the time of the tyranny, we ordain that everyone shall have the right to receive his property back or reclaim it or demand possession from the judge, forsooth upon the restoration of the price, which, upon proof by the party who alleges it to have been paid, is shown to have been so paid, without subsequently being taken away again and received back in some manner or through some fraud. For we believe it to be not without reason that many things were done during that time through fear or violence, which the justice of our times demands to be rescinded. Any penalty specified in instruments shall, because of the foregoing provisions, be invalid in every respect.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

6. Concerning the time of postliminium, that is, after captivity.
Since everything has been restored to us by the propitious God, we ordain that the prescriptive periods of thirty and forty years and others shall apply and be in force, according to the tenor of our laws, provided that the times during the warlike confusion since the advent of the tyrants shall not be included in the prescriptive periods.
Given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our always august lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

7. That instruments shall not be revoked as void.
Since, moreover, we have learned that various contracts were made between besieged Romans, or documents were written, while hostile arrogance besieged the city of Rome or other places, and that some persons are now rescinding the aforesaid contracts and are revoking the documents as void, we ordain that although such documents perished through hostile incursion, no right shall exist to invalidate what has been done, but all contracts made at the time of the siege shall remain in force, all documents having their proper effect, without prejudice to their owners from such loss. For no rule of exactness permits that whatever has been rightly done should be overturned by the fortuitous circumstance of war.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

8. Concerning movable and immovable property.
The property, moreover, movable, immovable or self‐moving, which Romans, by any right or title from the time of the king Theodoric to the advent of the nefarious Totila, possessed personally or by usufuctuaries or other persons, through whom the owners were in possession, shall, without disturbance, be preserved for them hereafter, in the order, forsooth, in which they possessed it during the aforesaid time.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and indiction.

9. As to immunity in regard to the tribute.
In order that the inhabitants of any province may not suffer any trouble in regard to the exaction of tribute, we ordain that no apparitors of any official of major dignity shall be sent for such collection, but (shall be made) by the provincial magistrates and their official staff, (so that the provincials will not) sustain any damage in regard to the collection of tribute. Permission, however, shall not be denied the magistrates of major dignity, in case the tribute is not all paid in, to call upon these (provincial) magistrates and their official staff, and collect the deficiency from them, so that both the public account and the benefit of the taxpayers is looked after.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

10. Concerning confirmation of exemption from tribute.
Payment of public tribute is directed to be made in the usual places and during the usual times in the customary manner, and no innovation shall be made in regard to the payment of tribute by reason of the incursion of the enemy, but each shall make payment hereafter, either to the treasury or in the province, in accordance with custom or the tenor of our benefactions.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

11. That laws of the emperor shall be extended into his provinces.
The laws, moreover, and the statutes included in our Code, which have long ago been sent into Italy by edict, shall be in force. The constitutions, too, which we thereafter promulgated, shall be published by edict, and shall be in force in the land of Italy from the time that they were made public by edict, so that the state being united by God’s will, the authority of our laws shall also be extended everywhere.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

12. Concerning fees of taxpayers.
We direct that suitable and competent provincial magistrates shall be chosen for their respective places by the bishops and chief men of each region, and from the province which they are to govern, without purchase money (suffragio), the letters‐patent also being furnished them by the proper magistrate, so, nevertheless, that if they are found to have inflicted any wrong upon taxpayers, or to have demanded anything above the fixed tribute, or to have damaged any landowners by too great a measure in connection with forced sales, or by other detriment or burden, or my unjust weights or gold pieces, they must make it good from their own property. And if any magistrate or tax‐official is found to have done so during the time of the nefarious tyrants, we direct him to indemnify the person from whom he took from his own property, since we want our subjects to be kept free from harm everywhere.
Given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our always august lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

13. That ownership shall be restored to each.
Since, moreover, we have learned that when the enemies were, by a propitious God, driven from the various provinces, some persons, finding flocks that were left by the enemy, appropriated such flocks to their own use, although they formerly belonged to others, we ordain that they shall have as much as, upon investigation, is found to belong to them. But if anything is recognized by any persons as their own, they shall receive their own, but of whatever property the owner is not known, shall be distributed among those who are found to have lost flocks in the same province, the division to be made pro rata.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

14. If anything is taken from anyone, it shall be restored.
And if any taxpayer is wronged as to his money or his products through the occasion of the collection of tribute or on the pretext of any burden or in any other unreasonable manner, this shall be paid back to the party from whom it was taken, so that the inhabitants of the provinces everywhere may legally receive back their own, and may enjoy the felicity of our times.
Given on the aforementioned year, day, and consulship.

15. Concerning slaves who married free women in the time of the tyrants.
We have also thought best to add to the foregoing topics that if slaves are found to have married free women during the nefarious times of Gothic ferocity, or female slaves were married to free men, the free persons shall, by the present law, have the right to separate from the spouse that is slave, but the female or male slave must remain in control of the master, and no prejudice shall result to masters out of the past as to such slaves. But if (the free persons) want to continue such marriage, they shall not be prejudiced as to their own liberty, but the children will follow the status of their mother; we direct that this shall also apply to children (already) born of such marriage.
Given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our pious, always august lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

16. Concerning slaves or coloni detained by others.
We also command that slaves or coloni who are illegitimately held by anyone be returned to their owners, together with the children born during the time elapsed.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

17. Concerning virgins dedicated to God.
Since it is without doubt that the arrogance of tyrannical ferocity committed unlawful acts as though legal, we ordain that if men (forcibly) married women dedicated to God or who lived in religious places, they shall have no right to hold them or to collect any dowry that perchance was promised in writing, but unwilling women shall rather be taken from them and again be restored to their monasteries or churches or holy purposes to which they were dedicated.
Given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our pious, always august lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

18. That taxpayers shall not be burdened by forced sales.
In order that taxpayers may not sustain any detriment by reason of forced sales (buying up property for public purposes—comptiones), we ordain that forced sales shall be made in every province (only) of the (particular) product which is known to be abundant therein; we do not permit such forced sales of a product known not to be abundant there; the price for such products shall be fixed at the sum then prevailing on the market at that time, and the amount thereof shall be credited on the taxes of each taxpayer. Commerce on ships shall not be hindered in any manner, so that our army may be nourished, and so that the taxpayers may pay their taxes payable in gold with products of which they have an abundance. The forced sales shall be distributed according to the judgment of the bishop and of the chief men (primates) of each place, so that the taxpayers will suffer no oppression in any manner through the avarice of apparitors.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

19. Concerning measures and weights.
In order that there may be no occasion to perpetrate fraud or injury on provincials, we ordain that money and products shall be given and taken according to the measures and weights which Our Piety has for the time being delivered to the blessed Pope or the noble Senate.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

20. Concerning the change of gold pieces, that is, coins.
Since we know that gold pieces of ancient Roman emperors are easily found in those places (i.e. Italy), but that merchants and other persons cause a loss to our taxpayers on account of the change of the gold pieces, we ordain that gold pieces stamped with the portrait of Roman emperors shall (freely) pass through all the provinces without detriment by reason of any change, and contracts shall be made by means thereof. Anyone who presumes to inflict any detriment by reason of the change of gold pieces, shall for each gold piece give another to the person with whom he contracted.
Given on the Ides of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our pious, always august lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius.

21. That the value of property taken shall be paid.
If anyone is found to have taken any ornament or other material from immovable property that belongs to another, he shall fully restore it, or if it is already joined to a building, he shall be compelled to pay the value, so that the authority of our laws will be upheld everywhere. We also direct that documents belonging to another and detained by anyone shall be restored to their former owners, so that all persons may everywhere enjoy the assistance of our laws. If a document is found to have perished, and another has a copy thereof, two originals having ben executed as is customary in contracts, a copy shall be made from the document which one of them has and given to the party whose copy has been lost, so that he may have he proper protections. And if anyone takes or accidentally finds another’s document and maliciously burns, conceals, spoils or in any manner ceases to possess it, then the party guilty of the fraud shall pay to the party to whom the documents belong his damages.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

22. That food supply shall be given to doctors and others.
We direct that the food supply which Theodoric was accustomed to give to the Romans and which we also have given them, shall continue to be given in the future, and we also direct that the food supply (salary) which was formerly customarily given to grammarians, orators, physicians and lawyers, shall also hereafter be given to those of them who are engaged in their profession, so that youths instructed in the liberal arts may abound in our state.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

23. That civil judges shall hear cases.
We direct that cases between two Romans or when a Roman is sued shall be heard by civil judges, since order does not permit that military judges should have anything to do with such transactions or cases.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

24. That exchanges made shall remain valid.
Exchanges or acquisitions made by the state or agreements with the public treasury up to the time of the arrival of Totila of infamous memory, shall remain valid, provided that one is not entitled to something that another possesses.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

25. That public workshops shall be preserved.
We direct that the customary allowances and favors for the repair of the city of Rome or of public workshops, the channel of the river Tiber, the forum, the port of Rome or water pipes shall be continued, provided that they shall be paid from the sources provided for that purpose.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, [and] consulship.

26. That products on forced sales shall be bought up by merchants.
We have further learned that an extra tax on each thousand [i.e. a taxation-unit] has been levied on the possessors of Calabria or Apulia for not delivering the property bought up (on forced sales for the public supply); that therefore the products had annually been bought up by merchants; that at present, however, merchants are attempting to avoid doing so, and that the property owners of the province are burdened both by the extra tax as well as the work of buying up the products. Since there are plenty of merchants who could attend to the buying, we ordain that if Your Magnitude, upon examination finds that it is possible to have the products bought up delivered by merchants, the taxpayers of the province shall not be burdened (therewith), since, when an extra burden is imposed on them, it is impossible for them to also bar the burden of delivering such products.
Given on the aforementioned day, year, and consulship.

27. That those who want to sail to the imperial court shall not be hindered therein.
We also permit that illustrious and magnificent senators, who want to come to the imperial court, may do so without hindrance, and no one shall have the right to prevent them, in order that the right to go before the emperor, which is due to our senators or taxpayers, may not, in some manner, seem to be denied. We also grant them the right to go to the province of Italy and remain there as long as they wish for the purpose of restoration of their possessions, inasmuch as to do so and put them in proper state of cultivation is very difficult for owners who are absent.

Your Magnitude, therefore, will carry these provisions, made in this imperial pragmatic sanction, into effect and cause them to be observed and a penalty of ten pounds of gold will be hanging over those who violate our orders.

To Narses, the illustrious grand chamberlain, [and to] the magnificent Antioch, the prefect of Italy.

Pragmatic (sanction) given on the Ides [i.e. on the 13th] of August in Constantinople, during the 28th year of the emperorship of our pious, always august, lord Justinian, 13th year after the consulship of the most illustrious Basilius [i.e. 554]. 

[the translation, slightly modified and expanded by the editor, is taken from Fred H. Blume, trans. Annotated Justinian Code, ed. Timothy Kearley (Laramie 2009), freely available online]

Selected Bibliography
Vedran Bileta, "At the crossroads of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages – the rise and fall of the military elite of Byzantine Histria," Annual of Medieval Studies at the Central European University 17 (2011): pp. 100-21.
Mariateresa Cellurale, "Romani y Gothi en Italia: La comunión de derecho en la república unida de Justiniano," Revista de Derecho Privado 21 (2011): 21–40.
Matthias Pöppel, Die Pragmatische Sanktion von 554 n. Chr.: Studien zur Italienpolitik Justinians (Regensburg 2016).
Editor's Notes

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How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 1: A seculo VI usque ad 803, doc. 554_IPS, (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 1: doc. 554_IPS.
Image Source and Info

The images of the three manuscripts come from the official websites of their respective archival institutions.

Ms. P is freely available online for consultation on the official web pages of Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Ms. M is also freely available online for consultation on the official web pages of Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana.

Ms. U is also freely available online for consultation on the official web pages of Leipzig's Universitätsbibliothek.

The editor has marked manuscripts M and U with red arrows simply to denote the relevant parts that are hereby edited.

All the images remain under the copyrights of their respective institutions.