
Vol. 6: A 1421 usque ad 1535
15th of April, 1442

The Venetian Great Council creates a number of new administrative posts aimed to be filled by the poorer nobility, among them the podestà of Buzet.

A = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Maggior Consiglio, Deliberazioni, reg. 22: Ursa, fol. 141r; consultable online at moreveneto
Previous Editions
Josip Banić, "The Venetian Takeover of the Margraviate of Istria (1411–1421): The Modality of a Passage (with Eight Previously Unedited Documents in the Appendix)," History in Flux : Journal of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula 1 (2019): pp. 67-68, doc. 6.
FIM Edition
Diplomatic edition based on A.

Die XV aprilis [MCCCCXLII].

<Ser Andreas Barbo, ser Lucas Faletro, capita de XLta>

Quia sunt multi pauperes nobiles nostri qui sunt valentes et probi et tantum carent adivamento, nec possunt succurrere necessitatibus suis propter continuas expensas et angarias factionum quas in his guerris sustulerunt, et pro honore nostri Dominii sit bonum subvenire dictis nostris nobilibus, ut possint vivere sub umbra nostra,
vadit pars, quod ad infrascriptas castellanias, capitaneos et res eligantur per quatuor manus electionum in Consilio Rogatorum et per quatuor annos de nobilibus nostris, cum illis stipendiis et conditionibus cum quibus sunt illi qui sunt ad presens;
et consiliarii teneantur fieri facere dictas electiones infra duos menses sub pena ducatorum centum pro quolibet consiliario exigenda per advocatores comunis:
Castellanus Laurane;
Castellani Vincentie, Leonici, Colonie, Sancti Felicis Verone, Roche Montiffilicis, Garzete Brixie, Roche magne palazoli, Pergami;
Potestas Pinguenti, et Crudignani cum illo salario quod alias habebat nobilis vir quodam ser Donatus de Porto;
Comestabilis Citadelle Iadre.

De parte 469
De non 56
Non sinceri 19

In Consilio de XL die X februarii 1441:
De parte 25
De non 5
Non sinceri 3

Selected Bibliography
Josip Banić, "The Venetian Takeover of the Margraviate of Istria (1411–1421): The Modality of a Passage (with Eight Previously Unedited Documents in the Appendix)," History in Flux : Journal of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula 1 (2019): pp. 41-77.
Donald E. Queller, The Venetian Patriciate: Reality versus Myth (Chicago 1986), pp. 29-50.
How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 6: A 1421 usque ad 1535, doc. 1442_MC154, fontesistrie.eu/1442_MC154 (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 6: doc. 1442_MC154.
Image Source and Info

The digital facsimile comes from morevento, the official databank of Archivio di Stato di Venezia, replacing the old Divenire webpages. The entire register can be consulted here.

Image by Archivio di Stato di Venezia.

The editor has subsequently marked the relative entry with a vertical red line, simply to denote the part of the manuscript that is edited herein.

The digital facsimile remains under the exclusive copyright of Archivio di Stato di Venezia.