Vol. 3: A 1077 usque ad 1209
10th of January, 1193

Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI confirms the rights of the Patriarchate of Aquileia over the Duchy of Friuli, including the incomes from the administration of criminal justice, and all documented agreements made between Patriarch Peregrine I and Count Maynard of Gorizia as well as Patriarch Ulrich II and Count Engelbert II of Gorizia regarding advocacy and other matters.

The original is lost; the charter survives only as a copy:
B = Udine, Archivio storico diocesano, Archivio capitolare, Raccolta pergamene, vol. 1/A, doc. 21; a certified copy made on the 18th of December, 1195, by a Friulian notary Peter; all the other copies stem from this one.
Previous Editions
Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek (ed.), Diplomata Heinrici VI / Die Urkunden Heinrichs VI, Monumenta Germaniae historica, preliminary edition, doc. BB 272; available online here.
FIM Edition
Diplomatic edition based on B, including the subsequently added title at the beginning and the appended notarial attestation at the end, both transcribed in italics.

Exemplum autenticum domini sexti Heinrici Romanorum imperatoris et semper augusti, actum Aquilegie anno Domini millesimo C LXXXX V, XIIII die exeunte decembre, indictione XIII.

Heinricus sextus divina favente clemencia Romanorum imperator et semper augustus.

Imperialem condecet maiestatem principes et fideles suos, eos maxime qui se sibi devotos exhibent et fideles, sereniori vultu respicere et vota ac iustas peticiones suas prompta voluntate complere.

Eapropter, attendentes clarissima merita et obsequia dilecti principis nostri Gotefridi Aquilegensis patriarche, que persone nostre et Imperio hactenus laudabiliter exhibuit et cottidie circa honorem et profectum Imperii tota virtute noscitur exhibere, Ducatum Fori Iulii cum omni iure et pertinenciis suis et sanguinolentum denarium, scilicet feritas, plagas, vulnera, homicidia, furta quoquea et omnia maleficia que ad correptionem et bannum principum spectare noscuntur; insuper eciam omnes transactiones et conventiones inter Pelegrinum patriarcham et Megenardum comitem1 et inter Wodolricum patriarcham et Engelpretum comitem2 super advocacia et aliis factas et privilegiis aut aliis autenticis scriptis roboratas sibi et successoribus eius in perpetuum imperiali auctoritate confirmamus et presenti pagina nostro sigillo roborata communimus.

Sancientes quod nulli memorata iudicia vel aliqua ad ius Ducatus spectancia nisi per eum aut successores suos liceat pertractare nulla[que]b persona huic nostre confirmacioni audeat contraire.

Si quis vero hanc nostre confirmacionis paginam infringnerec atteptaveritd, triginta libras auri purissimi, medietatem camere nostre et medietatem ecclesie Aquilegensi, pro pena componat, confirmatione robur suum obtinente.

Acta sunt ista in presencia Ottonis Bambergensis, Wolfgeri Pataviensis, Conradi Ratisponensis episcoporum, Liupoldi Austrie, Lodoici Bawarie, Pertoldi Meranie ducum, Ottonis lantgravii, Rapotionis, Heinrici comitum de Hortenberc, Popponis comitis de Wertheim, Liutoldi, Heinrici comitum de Plai, Eberardi comitis de Dorenberc, Friderici purgravii de Nurenberc, Roberti de Duren, Arnoldi de Orenberc, Chůnonis de Minchenberc, Alberti, Alrammi, Walconi de Champ, Ademari de Chunring, Wigardi de Sevelt, Wichardi de Zebing, Errandi de Wildonia, Kundahkarii et Duringi de S[tyrie]e, Erchengeri de Landesher.

Data Ratisbone anno ab incarnacione domini MCXCII, indictione X, quarto idus ianuarii.

Dominus Iohannes Aquilegensis thesaurarius et canonicus necnon et dominus Regenardus Aquilegensis canonicus et Petrus subdiaconus ad audiendum autenticum domini sexti Heinrici Romanorum imperatoris et semper augusti et hoc eius exemplum interfuerunt et huius rei rogati sunt testes.

Ego Petrus imperiali notarius, ut vid[i] in autenticum domini sexti Heinrici Romanorum imperatoris, ita transcripsi, nil addens vel minuens quod sentenciam mutaret. (SC)

Critical apparatus

aseq o exp. B.  blac. B.  csic B.  dsic B.  elac. B; em. Pferschy-Maleczek.

1) The treaty between Patriarch Peregrine I and his advocate Count Maynard I of Gorizia has not been preserved. The treaty is referenced in the later Lives of the Patriarchs of Aquileia (De vitis et gestis patriarcharum Aquileiensium) composed in the first half of the 16th century by the Friulian humanist Antonio Belloni (1480-1554) but based on older chronicles: "Super haec [obligationem solvendae decimae] iniit Peregrinus transactionem cum Goritiano comite, qua tam Goritiae quam Mospurgi oppida deprehenditur feuda esse sanctae Aquileiensis ecclesiae." (ed. Antonio Lodovico Muratori, Rerum Italicarum scriptores, vol. 16 (Milan 1730), col. 41).
2) The treaty between Patriarch Ulrich II and Count Enghelbert II of Gorizia has also not been preserved. There are no mentions of this treaty in chronicles. See Reinhard Härtel, "Görz und die Görzer im Hochmittelalter," Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 110 (2002): p. 6.

Medieval Recollections

Otto IV’s 1209 confirmation – edited here.

“Item privilegium de Comitatu Foroiulii concessum per Henricum imperatorem in MCLXXVII [sic!] cum bullis aurea et cerea.” - Thesauri claritas, opus saec. XIV, ed. Giuseppe Bianchi, Thesaurus ecclesiae Aquileiensis (Udine 1847), p. 340, n. 1165.

Selected Bibliography
Pio Paschini, “I patriarchi d’Aquileia nel secolo XII,” Memorie storiche forogiuliesi 10 (1914): pp. 269–70.
Paolo Cammarosano, “Patriarcato, impero e sede spostolica, 1077-1251,” in Il patriarcato di Aquileia: Uno stato nell'Europa medievale, ed. Paolo Cammarosano (Udine 1999), 58-59.
Editor's Notes

With the death of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa his son and heir Henry VI prepared for a journey to Rome to be crowned the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Patriarch Gottfried of Aquileia accompanied the monarch on this journey and, most probably, personally witnessed the imperial coronation. For his consilium et auxilium, but also to foster the traditionally amicable and close relations between the Empire and the Church of Aquileia, the newly crowned Emperor Henry VI issued this confirmation charter to Patriarch Gottfried (Paschini and Cammarosano, both referenced above). Eleven months later, on the 10th of December of the same 1193, Emperor Henry VI will issue a new confirmation charter to Patriarch Gottfried and the Church of Aquileia, bequathing upon them his imperial protection (soon the be edited here as well).

The charter survives only as this notarial copy that was made very soon after the charter had been issued, in 1195 by notary Peter. The text features an incongruence between the datatio chornica and the datatio topica: the dating elements - year 1192 and the 10th indiction - both conform to 1192, but the problem is that Emperor Henry VI was not in Regensburg at the time; instead he was in Worms from the 10th to 13th of January and in Weißenburg on the 19th of January (Chronica regia Coloniensis, ed. Waitz, MGH, SS rer. Germ. 18, (Hannover 1880), pp. 154–55; Pferschy-Maleczek, Diplomata Heinrici VI, docs. BB 203). However, in January of 1193 Emperor Henry VI was indeed in Regensburg (Pferschy-Maleczek, Diplomata Heinrici VI, docs. BB 273-75, BB 277-78); therefore, it has been suggested that the charter should be dated to 1193, based on Henry VI's itinerary, and not to 1192.

This charter will be used as the model for Otto IV's confirmation issued to Patriarch Wolfger on the 13th of January, 1209 - edited here.

How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 3: A 1077 usque ad 1209, doc. 1193_HA, (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 3: doc. 1193_HA.