Vol. 3: A 1077 usque ad 1209
July 24, 1180

The incumbent patriarchs of Grado and Aquileia, Enrico Dandolo and Ulrich of Treffen respectively, solemnly end the centuries-old conflict between the two churches regarding the metropolitan jurisdictions over the Istrian bishoprics: the patriarch of Grado renounces the metropolitan pretensions of his church, the treasury that Patriarch Poppo took from Grado, and the possessions in Marsano, Aquileia, Zèmole and Marano Lagunare, but receives the spiritual jurisdiction over the parishes Latisana and San Fior, together with the quarter of the tithes and the annual income of up to seventy pounds of Veronese coins.

The original is lost; the text survives in the following manuscript traditions:
B = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Miscellanea ducali e atti diplomatici, busta 6, fasc. B, doc. 13; an imitative copy coeval to the original;
C = Udine, Archivio Storico Diocesano, Archivio Capitolare, Raccolta Pergamene, vol. 1/A, doc. 17; an insert in Pope Alexander III’s confirmation of the agreement issued on the August 30, 1180 (a simple copy either coeval to the original or made shortly thereafter);
D' = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Mensa Patriarcale, busta 3, doc. A, n. 34; a late 15th-century copy made during the reign of Maffeo Gherardi as the patriarch of Venice (1466–1492), authenticated by notary Philip of Rimini of late Frederick, based on the copy of the original made on April 6, 1397, by notary and canon of Chioggia Aloysius Foscari (= D, a nowadays lost copy);
D'' = Venice, Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Mensa Patriarcale, busta 1, ms. Catasticum privilegiorum et notabilium Patriarcatus Venetiarum, fols. 18v–19v; a simple copy of D under the subsequently appended title Exemplum concordii inter patriarchas Aquileiensem et Gradensem made during the reign of Tommaso Donato as the patriarch of Venice (1492–1504).
Previous Editions
Ferdinando Ughelli, Italia sacra sive de episcopis Italiae et insularum adiacentium, 2nd ed., vol. 5, cols. 1129–31 (= Cappelletti, Le chiese d’Italia, vol. 8, pp. 252–56 = Kandler, Codice diplomatico istriano, doc. 166, pp. 311–14); based on D (and/or on D'/ D'') and featuring liberal use of emendations.
Josip Banić and Sebastiano Blancato, “The Agreement between the Patriarchate of Grado and the Patriarchate of Aquileia Regarding the Metropolitan Jurisdiction over Istrian Bishoprics (24th of July, 1180): New Critical Edition of the Charter,” Zgodovinski časopis 77/1–2 (2023): pp. 21–28.
FIM Edition
A critical edition based primarily on B with unreadable passages due to parchment damage reconstructed from C; variae lectiones from B, C, D', D'' and U (= Ughelli’s edition) are reported in the critical apparatus; words differing only in suffixal -æ/-ę/-e, in sibilant -ti/-ci or in the doubling of consonants are not reported in the critical apparatus.

In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christia, amen.

Anno Dominice incarnationis MoCoLXXXo, pontificatus vero domini Alexandri pape tertiib anno XXoIo, indictione XIII, mensis iulii die XXIIIIc.

Ego H[enricus]d Gradensis ecclesie patriarcha hac presenti die – in presentia domini papee Alexandri et dominorumf cardinalium Ubaldig videlicet Hostiensish episcopii, Theodinij Portuensis et sancte Ruphinek episcopil, Iohannism tituli sanctorum Iohannis et Pauli presbiteri cardinalis, Bibianin tituli sancti Stephani in Celio Monte presbiteri cardinalis, Arduini tituli sancte Cruciso Ierosolimitanep presbiteri cardinalis, Mathei tituli sancti Marcelli presbiteri cardinalis, Pauli tituli sancte Pudentianeq presbiteri cardinalis, Gratiani sanctorum Cosme et Damiani diaconi cardinalis, Iohannis sancti Angeli diaconi cardinalis – renuntio omni iuri adquisito et adquirendor et omnibuss actionibus, tam in rem quam in personam, adquisitis et adquirendist quodu et quas habeo nomine meo et Gradensis ecclesie, vel habere possemv ego vel successores mei in futurum, adversus Ǒldericumw Aquilegensemx patriarcham et eius ecclesiam super omnibusy episcopatibus Hystriez, et supera' thesauris quos Poppob' Aquilegensis patriarcha de Gradu asportavit, et super possessionibus quas Gradensis ecclesia habuit in Mursianoc' et in territorio Aquilegied', in Zemulise' et in Mariano et in prefatis episcopatibusf'. Et hancg' renuntiationem facio vobis domino Iohanni Vicentinoh' episcopo et Romulo Aquilegensis ecclesie magistro scolarumi' procuratoribus Ǒ[dalrici] Aquilegensis patriarche constitutis ad transigendum et paciscendum super controversiis quas ego nomine Gradensis ecclesie movebam coram domino Alexandro papa tertioj' contrak' Aquilegensem ecclesiaml' et per vos ipsi Ǒ[lderico] Aquilegensi patriarche etm' eius ecclesie.

Et cedo vobis procuratoribus et per vos ipsi Ǒ[lderico] Aquilegensi patriarche acn' eius ecclesie omne ius adquisitum et adquirendum et omnes actiones, tam in rem quam in personam, adquisitas et adquirendas quodo' et quas habeo nomine meo et Gradensis ecclesie vel habere possem ego vel successores mei in futurum in predictis et pro predictis omnibus, servato mihi et ecclesie Gradensi iure vini quod annuatim reciperep' soleo de Capite Hystrie, et salvis stacionibus et aliis, si qua in presentiarum ibidem possideo, et speciali iure, si quod habet ecclesia Gradensisq', adversusr' aliquem episcoporum vel clericorum vel parochianorum Hystrie super aliis rebus, si quas detinent.

Et renuntio vobis procuratoribus et per vos Ǒ[lderico] Aquilegensi patriarche ac eius ecclesie quod nec ego nec mei successores nomine Gradensis ecclesie amplius movebimus controversiam adversus Aquilegensem ecclesiam de metropoliticos' iure super hist', videlicetu' Aquilegensi diocesiv', quamw' nunc possidet, et Cumanox', Mantuano, Veronensi, Vicentino, Paduano, Tervisinoy', Tridentino, Bellunensi, Feltrensi, Cenetensi, Concordiensi, Tergestino, Iustinopolitano, Parentino, Polensi, Petenensiz' et Emonensi episcopatibus, et aliis quea'' in presentiarum ipsa Aquilegensis ecclesia possidet, salva datione et compositione duarum plebium, scilicetb'' de Latisanac'' et de Sancto Floro, salvo etiam spetiali iure, si quod habeo, in possessionibus rerum immobilium adversus ipsumd'' vel alios in aliis locis quame'' in predictis locis et rebusf'' cessis et renuntiatisg''.

Nos igitur prenominati procuratores constituti adh'' transigendum et paciscendum super controversiis quas vos, domine Gradensis patriarcha, nomine Gradensis ecclesiei'' movebatisj'' contra Aquilegensem ecclesiam pro prefata renuntiatione et cessione omnium predictorum nomine transactionis etk'' pactionis vice domini Ǒ[lderici] Aquilegensis patriarche eiusque ecclesie damus etl'' tradimus vobis, domine Henrice, Gradensi patriarche vestreque ecclesie imperpetuum duas plebes, videlicet illam de Latisanam'' et alteram de Sancto Floro cum earum capellis omnibus, cum quartesiis et omni parrochiali et diocesano iure habito et adquirendo necnon et placito christianitatis, quod est ius sinodandin'', cum earum libris, paramentis et omnibus earum ornamentis, cumo'' cimiteriisp'', domibus, prediis et famulis, si quos habent, et cum omni earum honore ac omnibus ipsarum pertinentiis, excepto iure trium partium decimarum illarum plebium et capellarum, quas tres partes Aquilegensi ecclesie in integrum reservamus. Sane, illi qui predictas tres partes decimarum vel aliquid illarum trium partium per Aquilegensemq'' ecclesiam hodie nomine feudi vel alio titulor'' tenent vel amodos'' tenebuntt'', si in territorio earumdemu'' plebium vel capellarum terram laborare inventi fuerint, Aquilegensi ecclesie de tribus partibus decimarum, vobis vero Gradensi patriarchev'' in cuius parrochia ipsarum agricultura erit de quartisiisw'' sive quarta parte decimarum, propriex'' agriculture hobedienty'' et respondebunt.

Predictas autem plebes et capellas vobis et ecclesie vestre ita tradimus et damusz'' quod vos et vestri successores de reditibus earumdem plebium et capellaruma''' singulis annis possitis percipere valensb''' LXXc''' librarum Veronensisd''' monete, deductis eis que presbiteri et clerici in eisdem plebibus et capellis divinae''' celebrantes hodie per plebanos nomine beneficii habere videntur. Que utique beneficia per vos et ecclesiam vestram amodof''' tenebunt. Si vero prefate plebes et capelle tantas facultates habere invente fuerint, quod ultra valensg''' LXX librarum Veronensiumh''' et ultra ea que presbiterii''' sivej''' clerici hodie ibidem per plebanos tenent nomine beneficii aliquid superhabundaveritk''', liceat Aquilegensi patriarche illud totum detrahere et Aquilegensi ecclesie reservare. Si autem eedeml''' plebes et capelle, exceptis predictis beneficiism''' clericorum, in suis facultatibus etn''' redditibus valenso''' LXX librarum non habentp''', Aquilegensis patriarchaq''' usque ad eandem summam in ipsis finibus eisdem plebibus supplebit. Banni qui der''' placito christianitatis vel alio placito spirituali provenire solent in summam predictarum LXX librarum vobis non extimabunturs'''; predictas quidem plebes et earum capellas et alia iura ecclesiastica pro episcopatibus et aliis ecclesiasticis iuribus damus; possessiones autem et redditus earundem plebium et capellarum et reliqua in transactione posita pro prefatis possessionibus et thesauris damus.

Promittimus insuper vobis et vestris successoribus per stipulationem sub penat''' dupli vice Aquilegensis patriarche suprascriptas plebes cum predictis earum redditibus ab omni homine iure defensare.

Promittimus etiam per stipulationem subnixam vobis et vestris successoribus nomine domini Ǒ[lderici] Aquilegensis patriarche et eius ecclesie quod nullo inu''' tempore veniet ipse vel eius successores contrav''' predictam transactionem, pactionem et dationem per se vel per summissamw''' personam. Quod si hanc promissionem non observaverit, ipse vel eius successores nomine pene dare teneantur ecclesie vestre alias duas plebes, videlicet illam de Sancto Paulo et illam de Fambriox''', cum simili causay''' et tanto redditu sicut prenominate tradite sunt, nisi commoniti per Gradensem ecclesiam infra duos menses post commonitionemz''' satisfecerint, predicta transactione, pactione et datione in sua firmitate imperpetuumaa permanentebb.

Et ego suprascriptuscc Gradensis patriarcha nomine ecclesie mee promitto per stipulationem subnixam vobis predictis procuratoribus et per vos domino Ǒ[lderico] Aquileiensi patriarche et eius ecclesie quod nullo indd tempore veniam ego vel mei successoresee contraff predictam transactionem, pactionem, renuntiationemgg et cessionem per nos vel perhh summissam personam. Quod si hanc promissionem non observaverimusii, ego et mei successores nomine penejj akk iure predictarum plebium cadamus et ipsas Aquilegensi ecclesie restituere teneamur, nisi commoniti per Aquilegensem ecclesiam infra duos menses post commonitionem satisfecerimus, prefata transactione, pactione, renuntiationell etmm cessione in sua firmitate imperpetuum permanente.

Et insuper nos suprascripti procuratores vice domini Ǒ[lderici] Aquilegensis patriarche promittimus vobis prefato patriarche Gradensinn et vestris successoribus per stipulationem subnixam nomine pene L libras Veronensiumoo, ita quod si aliquispp de iurisdictioneqq Ǒ[lderici] Aquilegensis patriarche et eius ecclesie Gradensem ecclesiam in predictis sibi concessis offenderit, et Aquilegensis patriarcha a Gradensi patriarcha commonitus, si infra duos menses ipse malefactor non satisfecerit, ex tunc, si eum non excommunicaverit aut excommunicatum ante satisfactionem absolverit, supradicta pena L librarum committatur.

Et ego suprascriptusrr Gradensis patriarcha promitto vobis supradictis procuratoribus et per vos ipsi Ǒ[lderico]ss Aquilegensi patriarche et eius ecclesie per stipulationem subnixam nomine pene L librastt Veronensium, ita quod si aliquis de iurisdictione mea et Gradensis ecclesie Aquilegensem ecclesiam in predictis sibi concessis et renunciatis offenderit, et ego vel mei successores ab Aquilegensi patriarcha commonitiuu, si infra duos menses ipse malefactor non satisfecerit, exvv tunc, si eum ego vel mei successoresww non excommunicaverimus aut excommunicatumxx ante satisfactionem absolverimus, supradicta pena L librarumyy comittatur.

Hoczz actum est in presentia dominiaa' pape Alexandri et supradictorum cardinalium et subscriptorum testium in millesimobb' etcc' die et indictione supradicta.

Signa (SC SC SC) manuum supradictorum domini, videlicetdd' H[enrici] Gradensis patriarche et domini Iohannis Vicentini episcopi et Romuli Aquilegensisee' ecclesie magistri scolarum prefati Aquilegensis patriarche procuratorum, huius carte rogatorum.
Petrus Polensis ecclesie episcopus electus testisff'.
Iohannesgg' Felix domini pape subdiaconus testis.
Magister Presbiter de Meudanbertishh' Cremonensis ecclesie canonicus testis.
Marcus Gradensis ecclesie canonicus et primicerius testis.
Iohannesii' Polensis ecclesie canonicus testis.
Filyppusjj' sancti Luce de Venetia plebanus testis.
Magister Robertus Pysanuskk' causidicus testis.ll'
Vivianus presbiter Gradensis ecclesie subscripsi.

(SC) Ego Gerardus Paduanus episcopus subscripsi.
(SC) Ego Octo Bellunensis episcopus subscripsi.
(SC) Ego Iohannes Vicentinus episcopus subscripsi.
(SC) Ego Conradus Tarvisinus episcopus subscripsi.
(SC) Ego Ionathas Concordiensis episcopus'

Ego Iohannes Nycolay Filippynn' sancte Romane ecclesie scrinariusoo', in presentia dominipp' Alexandri pape tertiiqq' et supradictorum cardinalium et predictorum testium, rogatus a domino Gradensirr' patriarcha et supradictis domini Aquilegensis procuratoribus scripsi hec.

Critical apparatus

aom. C.  b) III C.  c) XXIV U.  d) H. BD' D''; Henricus CU.  eom. U.  f) duorum U.  g) Hubaldi C.  h) Ostiensis U.  i) et U.  j) Teodini D''.  k) Rufine CD'D''U.  l) episcoporum U.  m) Ioannis et undique Ioannes loco Iohannes D''; Joannis et undique Joannes loco Iohannes U.  n) sic BCD'D'': pro Viviani; Viviani U.  oseq. in add. U.  p) Hierosolimitane C; Hierusalem U.  q) Potentiane D'D''; Potentianae U.  r) adquisito et adquirendo] sic et undique sic B; acquisito et acquirendo et undique sic CD'D''U.  s) oi cum sign. abbr. BD'; omnibus CU.  t) adquisitis et adquirendis] aquisitis et aquirendis U.  u) quos D'D''U.  v) possum U.  w) Ǒlricum et undique Ǒlricus C; Uldericum et undique Uldericus U.  x) Aquilegiensem et undique Aquilegiensis loco Aquilegensis D''.  yom. U.  z) Ystrie et undique Ystria C; Istrie et saepe Istria seu Histria D''; Istriae et undique Istria U.  a') sup B; super CU.  b') Popo D'D''.  c') Marsiano D''.  d') Aquilegiensi D''; Aquilejensi U.  e') Cenetensi D'D''U.  f') et super thesauris—in prefatis episcopatibus] add. sup. l. C.  g') hac C.  h') Vincentino et undique Vincentinus loco Vicentinus D'D''.  i') scholarum ed undique sic U.  j') III CD'U.  k'om. U.  l') Aquilegensem ecclesiam] Aquilejensi ecclesias U.  m') ac U.  n') et D''U.  o') quos U.  p') habere C.  q') ecclesia Gradensis] inv. D''.  r') adversum U.  s') metropolico D''.  t') hiis D'; iis U.  u') ecclesiis U.  v') Aquilegensi diocesi] Aquilegensis diocesis U.  w') quas U.  x'seq. et add. D'D''.  y') Tarvisino C.  z') Penetensi D'D''.  a'') quos U.  b'') silicet D''; videlicet U.  c'') de Latisana] della Tisana U.  d'') adversus ipsum] ad et spatium vacuum D'D''; ad et puncta posuit U.  e'') quas U.  f'') locis et rebus] inv. D''.  g'') cessis et renuntiatis] cessi et renuntiavi U.  h'') a B.  i'') nomine Gradensis ecclesie] om. U.  j''CD'D''U; movebat B.  k'') ac U.  l'') ac U.  m'') de Latisana] de la Tisana U.  n'') synodandi CU.  o''add. sup. l. C.  p''seq. cum add. C; cymiteriis D'D''.  q'') per Aquilegensem] pro Aquilejensi U.  r'') ecclesiam—titulo] spatium vacuum D'D''; om. et puncta posuit U.  s'') amodo] modo aliquo D'D''U.  t'') tenebant U.  u'') earumde ex earum corr. C.  v'') Gradensi patriarche] Gradensis patriarcha U.  w''sic BC; quartesiis D'D''U.  x''spatium vacuum D'D''; om. et puncta posuit U.  y'') obedient CD'D''U.  z'') donamus U.  a''') et capellarum] add. sup. l. C.  b''') valorem U.  c''') septuaginta C et undique sic loco LXX.  d''') ver cum sign. abbr. BD'; ven cum sign. abbr. D''; Veronensis C; vestre U.  e'''seq. officia add. D'D''U.  f''') modo U.  g''') valorem U.  h''') monete U.  i''') presbyteri et sic undique U.  j''') seu U.  k''') superabundaverit D'D''U.  l''') dicte D'D''U.  m''') predictis beneficiis] inv. D'D''U.  n''') etiam U.  o''') valoris U.  p''') habeant D'U.  q''') ecclesia U.  r''') banni qui de] banna quae U; banna quidem D'D''.  s''') estimabuntur CD'D''.  t''') sub pena] suppena B; sub pęna C; sub poena U.  u'''om. D'D''U.  v''') tempore veniet contra, ipse vel eius successores inv. U.  w''') submissam D'D''U et undique sic.  x''') Fabrio D'D''U.  y'''om. et puncta posuit U.  z''') commotionem D''.  aa) in perpetuum D''U.  bb) manente U.  cc) supradictus U.  ddom. U.  ee) mei successores] inv. D''.  ff) circa D''.  gg) renovationem U.  hhom. D'D''U.  iiex servaverimus corr. C; observavero U.  jj) pęne C et undique pęna loco pena.  kk) ac U.  llom. U.  mm) ac U.  nn) prefato patriarche Gradensi] patriarche Gradensi prefato inv. D''.  oo) L libras Veronensium] librarum L Veronensis D'D''.  pp) aliquid D''.  qq) iurisditione U.  rr) supradictus D''.  ssom. U.  tt) librarum D'D''.  uu) admoniti U.  vv) et U.  ww) eum ego vel mei successores] ego vel mei successores eum inv. D'D''U.  xxom. U.  yy) L librarum] om. D'D''U.  zzom. D'D''U.  aa'om. U.  bb') mense C; anno U.  cc'om. U.  dd'om. U.  ee') Equilesensis U.  ff') electus testis] inv. D''U.  gg') Iohannis C.  hh'lect. dub. B; Madalbertus C; Meudelbertis D'; Meudelbertis ex Meuldelbertis corr. D''; om. et puncta posuit U; profecto pro Presbitero de Medolago, olim episcopo-electo Cremonensi (v. Fedele Savio, Gli antichi vescovi d’Italia dalle origini al 1300 descritti per regioni: La Lombardia, vol. 2/2, Bergamo 1932, pp. 86–87).  ii') P. Jo U.  jj') Philippus CD''U; Philyppus D'.  kk') Pisanus CD'D''U.  ll') Magister Presbiter—causidicus testis] add. al. man. in fundo C.  mm') Vivianus presbiter Gradensis—Concordiensis episcopus subscripsi] om. C.   nn') Nycolay Filippy] Nycholai Philippi C; Nicolai Philyppi D'; Nicolai Philippi D''U.  oo'seq. et exp. C.  pp'add. sup. l. C.  qq') III CU.  rr'add. sup. l. C; Gerardo D'D''; Henrico U.


In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

In the year of our Lord’s incarnation 1180, the 21st year of the pontificate of Lord Pope Alexander III, 13th indiction, 24th day of the month of July.

On this very day, I, Enrico, the patriarch of the Church of Grado – in the presence of lord Pope Alexander and lords cardinals Ubaldo, that is the bishop of Ostia, Theodino the bishop of Porto and St. Ruphina, John, the cardinal priest of the titular Church of St. John and Paul, Vivian, the cardinal priest of the titular Church of St. Stephan on the Celian Hill, Arduin, the cardinal priest of the titular Church of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, Matthew, the cardinal priest of the titular Church of St. Marcellus, Paul, the cardinal priest of the titular Church of St. Pudentiana, Gratian, the cardinal deacon of St. Cosmas and Damian, John, the cardinal deacon of St. Angel – renounce every right, acquired and to be acquired, and all the actions, both in matters of property rights as in matters of personal rights, acquired and to be acquired, that and which I have in my name and in the name of the Church of Grado, or that I or my successors could have in the future, in opposition to Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and his Church regarding all the bishoprics of Istria, and regarding the treasury that Poppo, the patriarch of Aquileia, took away from Grado, and regarding all the possessions that the Church of Grado had in Morsano and in the territory of Aquileia, in Zèmole and in Marano Lagunare, and in the aforesaid bishoprics. And this renunciation I offer to you, Lord John, the bishop of Vicenza, and Romulus, the master of the schools of the Church of Aquileia, representatives of Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, appointed to settle and negotiate regarding the disputes that I, in the name of the Church of Grado, have filed against the Church of Aquileia to Lord Pope Alexander III, and through you to the very Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and to his Church.

And I relinquish to you, the representatives, and through you to the very Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and to his Church every right, acquired and to be acquired, and all the actions, as in the matter of property rights so in the matter of personal rights, acquired and to be acquired, that I have in my name and in the name of the Church of Grado or that I or my successors could have in the future in the aforesaid and on behalf of everything aforesaid, retaining for myself and for the Church of Grado the right to wine which I customarily receive from Koper every year, and with the exception of outposts and other, if I possess any therein at the present, and special right, if the Church of Grado has any towards any bishop or cleric or parish priest of Istria over other things, if they possess any.

And I promise to you, the representatives, and through you to Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and to his Church, that in the name of the Church of Grado neither I nor my successors will ever again stir up controversies to the detriment of the Church of Aquileia regarding the metropolitan right over these: the diocese of the Church of Aquileia, which he has at present, and the bishoprics of Como, Mantua, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso, Trento, Belluno, Feltre, Ceneda, Concordia, Trieste, Koper, Poreč, Pula, Pićan and Novigrad, and other that the very Church of Aquileia may have in the present, with the exception of the parishes that were donated and bequeathed, that is Latisana and San Fior, and with the exception of a special right, if I have any, regarding the possessions of immovable properties towards himself or the others in places other than these aforesaid places and over the ceded and renounced property.

Accordingly, in exchange for the aforesaid renunciation and the concession of all the aforesaid rights by way of settlement and agreement, we, the aforesaid representatives appointed to settle and negotiate over the disputes that you, lord patriarch of Grado, have raised against the Church of Aquileia in the name of the Church of Grado, give and surrender in place of lord Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and his Church to you, Lord Enrico, the patriarch of Grado, and to your Church two parishes in perpetual ownership, that is the one of Latisana and the other of San Fior, together with all their chapels, the quarters [of tithes] and every held and acquired parochial and diocesan right, and also the right to administer justice in ecclesiastical matters (placitum christianitatis), that is, the right to hold synods, together with their books, apparel, and their every ornament, with their cemeteries, houses, estates and servants, if they have any, and with their every honor and all of their dependencies, with the exception of the right to the [remaining] three parts of the tithes of these parishes and chapels, as these three parts we in entirety reserve for the Church of Aquileia. Of course, those who today hold or in the future will hold the aforesaid three parts of the tithes or any part of these three parts from the Church of Aquileia as fiefs or by some other title, if they would be caught tilling the land in the territories of the said parishes or chapels, they will submit and be held accountable to the Church of Aquileia regarding the three parts of the tithes; to you, however, the patriarch of Grado, in whose parish they will till their lands, [they will submit and be held accountable] concerning the quarter, that is, the fourth part of the tithe from their own agricultural produce.

We bequeath and give the aforesaid parishes and chapels to you and to your Church, so that you and your successors may be able to collect a seventy pounds of Veronese coins worth a year from the incomes of the same parishes and chapels, not counting that what nowadays the priests and the clergy celebrating Mass in the same parishes and chapels seem to receive from their parish priests as benefices, which benefices they will certainly preserve in the future under you and your Church. If, however, the said parishes and chapels are found to have so much means that they produce in excess a value above seventy pounds of Veronese coins and above that what the priests and the clergy nowadays hold there as benefices from their parish priests, may the patriarch of Aquileia deduct this entire excess and reserve it for his Church. If, however, these parishes and chapels, except the benefices of the aforesaid clergy, do not produce the income value of seventy pounds from their own resources, the Church of Aquileia will recompense the very parishes in these territories up to that sum. The incomes from fines customarily adjudicated in ecclesiastical courts or in other spiritual courts will not be included in the aforesaid sum of seventy pounds.

We bequeath the aforesaid parishes and their chapels and other ecclesiastical rights for the bishoprics and other ecclesiastical rights; for the aforesaid possessions and the treasury, however, we bequeath possessions and the incomes of these parishes and chapels and the rest included in this settlement.

Moreover, in the name of the patriarch of Aquileia we swear to you and to your successors, supported by the promise and under the threat of a fine of double the offered value, to justly defend the aforementioned parishes with their aforementioned incomes from every person.

Also, supported by the promise we swear in the name of Lord Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and his Church to you and your successors that never shall he himself or his successors act against the aforesaid settlement, pact, and bestowal, either personally or through a subjected person. In case that he will not observe this agreement, either he himself or his successors ought to give as a fine to your Church two other parishes, that is, the one of San Polo al Tagliamento and the one of Flambro, with similar conditions and as much income, just as the aforementioned [parishes] have been bequeathed, unless they make amends within two months of them being warned by the Church of Grado, [and] the aforesaid settlement, pact, and bestowal remaining firm in perpetuity.

And in the name of my Church, I, the above-written patriarch of Grado, supported by the promise swear to you, the aforesaid representatives, and through you to Lord Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and his Church, that never shall I or my successors act against the aforesaid settlement, pact, renunciation and concession, either personally or through a subjected person. In case that we will not observe this agreement, I or my successors ought to lose the rights over the aforesaid parishes and return them to the very Church of Aquileia as a fine, unless we make amends within two months of us being warned by the Church of Aquileia, [and] the aforesaid settlement, pact, renunciation and concession remaining firm in perpetuity.

And moreover, in the name of Lord Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, we, the afore-written representatives, supported by the promise and under the threat of a fine of fifty pounds of Veronese coins swear to you, the aforesaid patriarch of Grado, and to your successors, that if anyone subjected to the jurisdiction of Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and to his Church would offend the Church of Grado in the aforesaid conceded [territories], and if the patriarch of Aquileia is warned by the patriarch of Grado and if within two months of this warning the offender does not make amends, then the aforementioned fine of fifty pounds is incurred, unless the offender is excommunicated or absolved of excommunication after they had made amends.

And I, the afore-written patriarch of Grado, supported by the promise and under the threat of a fine of fifty pounds of Veronese coins swear to you, the aforementioned representatives, and through you to the very Ulrich, the patriarch of Aquileia, and to his Church, that if anyone subjected to the jurisdiction of the Church of Grado would offend the Church of Aquileia in the renounced and conceded [territories], and if either I or my successors were admonished by the patriarch of Aquileia and if within two months of this admonishment the very offender does not make amends, then the aforementioned fine of fifty pounds is incurred, unless either I or my successors excommunicate the offender or absolve them from excommunication after they had made amends.

This was done in the presence of Pope Alexander and the above-written cardinals and the below-written witnesses in the above-written year and the day and the indiction.

Handwritten signs (SC SC SC) of the above-written lords who asked for this charter [to be written], that is, Enrico, the patriarch of Grado, and Lord John, the bishop of Vicenza, and Romulus, the master of the schools of the Church of Aquileia, the aforementioned representatives of the patriarch of Aquileia.
Peter, the bishop-elect of the Church of Pula, witness.
John Felix, the subdeacon of lord the pope, witness.
Master Presbiter de Medolago, a canon of the Church of Cremona, witness.
Mark, a canon and primicerius of the Church of Grado, witness.
John, a canon of the Church of Pula, witness.
Philip, the parish priest of Santa Luca of Venice, witness.
Master Robert, the advocate of Pisa, witness.

[I,] Vivian, a priest of the Church of Grado, signed.
(SC) I, Gerard, the bishop of Padua, signed.
(SC) I, Otto, the bishop of Belluno, signed.
(SC) I, John, the bishop of Vicenza, signed.
(SC) I, Conrad, the bishop of Treviso, signed.
(SC) I, Jonathan, the bishop of Concordia, signed.

I, John of Nicholas Philip, the secretary of the holy Roman Church, asked by the patriarch of Grado and by the above-mentioned lords Aquileian representatives, wrote this in the presence of Lord Pope Alexander III and the above-mentioned cardinals and the aforesaid witnesses.

[trans. Banić-Blancato, cited above]

Medieval Recollections

Pope Alexander III’s confirmation of the compromise, issued on August 30, 1180 – edited here as doc. 1180_CA.

“In secundo [scrineo]: Renuntio facta per Gradensem patriarcham de episcopatibus Istrie, villa Morsani et pluribus aliis villis et bonis necnon de thesuaris dudum ad Aquilegensem ecclesiam apportatis.” – Thesuari clartias, opus XIV. saec., ed. Giuseppe Bianchi, Thesaurus ecclesiae Aquileiensis (Udine 1847), p. 4.

Selected Bibliography
Josip Banić and Sebastiano Blancato, “The Agreement between the Patriarchate of Grado and the Patriarchate of Aquileia Regarding the Metropolitan Jurisdiction over Istrian Bishoprics (24th of July, 1180): New Critical Edition of the Charter,” Zgodovinski časopis 77/1–2 (2023): pp. 8–20, including the references to the older relevant publications.
Editor's Notes

This fateful compromise between the two incumbent patriarchs of traditionally opposing patriarchates officially marks the end of an era, one that began in the distant early medieval age of Lombard rule in Friuli when the metropolitan see of Aquileia was split between the Byzantine patriarch of Grado and the Lombard patriarch of Aquileia (see doc. 607_HL).

From the seventh century onwards, and especially following the Carolingian takeover of Friuli in 774 and Istria in 788 (doc. 788_CBI), the two patriarchs were competing for the metropolitan jurisdiction over Istrian bishoprics. The dispute would last for centuries, and even though several Holy Roman kings and emperors tried to end it in Aquileia’s favor (see, e.g., docs. 827_SM, 1027_SR, and 1034_CA), the final resolution came only in 1180 with the hereby edited compromise.

In essence, the dispute was already settled in 1132 when Pope Innocent II solemnly confirmed the metropolitan jurisdiction over all Istrian bishoprics to Aquileian Patriarch Peregrine I (doc. 1132_PI), subsequently reconfirmed by Pope Alexander III to Patriarch Ulrich II (doc. 1177_PA). The 1180 compromise thus merely confirmed the de facto status, giving the centuries-long dispute an official, ceremonial resolution. The settlement would be officially ratified by Pope Alexander III a couple of days later (doc. 1180_CA).

How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banić (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 3: A 1077 usque ad 1209, doc. 1180_GA, (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 3: doc. 1180_GA.
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The digital facsimile of the ms. hereby dubbed B (Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Miscellanea ducali e atti diplomatici, busta 6, fasc. B, doc. 13) is officially granted by Ministero della cultura – Archivio di Stato di Venezia, concession act n. 7/2023.

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