
Vol. 4: A 1209 usque ad 1300
6th–13th of January 1209

King Otto IV holds an imperial diet in Augsburg where he deals, among many other things, with the fate of the condemned murderers of King Philip and the Margraviate of Istria (notices from contemporary narrative accounts, Otto of St. Blasien’s and Conrad of Scheyern’s chronicles).

1) The chronicle of Otto, a monk of St. Blasien monastery in Schwarzwald and King Otto IV’s contemporary, was written circa 1200–1209 as a continuation of Otto of Freising’s Historia de duabus civitatis; the chronicle survives in several manuscript traditions ranging from 13th to 18th centuries (see more on that here); the following edition is based on:
B = Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, under signature ms. C 33, fol. 123v; 13th-century manuscript; digitalized and available online here.
2) The chronicle of Scheyern monastery was written by a monk Conrad in a period between 1206 and 1245; the chronicle survives as Conrad’s 13th-century autograph:
A = Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm 17401, f. 5v (50v according to old pagination); Conrad’s 13th-century autograph; digitalized and available online here.
Previous Editions
1) Otto de Sancto Blasio, "Ad librum VII chronici Ottonis Frisingensis episcopi continuatae historiae appendix sive Continuatio Sanblasiana," in Supplementa tomorum I, V, VI, XII. Chronica aevi Suevici, ed. Roger Wilmans, Monumenta Germaniae historica, Scriptores (in folio) 20 (Hannover 1868), p. 332.
2) Conradus Schirensis, "Annales a. 1077-1226," in Annales aevi Suevici, ed. Philipp Jaffé, Monumenta Germaniae historica, Scriptores (in folio) 17 (Hannover 1861), p. 632.
FIM Edition
1) Diplomatic edition based on B.
2) Diplomatic edition based on A.

[1: Otto de Sancto Blasio]

Post hoc apud castrum Noricum colloquium habens, a Bawaria in Alamanniam pervenit, ibique [rex Otto IV] in epiphania Domini apud Augustam colloquium habens, Ottonem palatinum de Witilinsbah necnon markionem de Anadehse lege Bawarica sententialiter propter occisum Phylippum proscripsit, eosque dignitatibus, beneficiis ac prediorum suorum reditibusa sine spe recuperationis iudicialiter privavit, dignitates eorum in aliosb transferens, aliisque beneficia concedens, reditibus prediorum heredibus eorum delegatis, captisque ibidem V pacis violatoribus uno decollato IIII suspensis. Ubi etiam legatis civitatum Italie ad eum venientibus insignia civitatum cum clavibus aureis et multis aliis donis offerentibus ac per hec subiectionem profitentibus susceptis, in Saxoniam perrexit.

[2: Conradus Schirensis]

MCCVIIII. Otto rex in epyphania celebrem curiam Auguste habuit, multis principibus presentibus, tam ex Longobardia quam de aliis provinciis vel partibus convenientibus. Eodem quoque anno expeditionem in Italiam movit, Romamque veniens imperialem a domino papa Innocentio accepit benedictionem.

Critical apparatus

[1]: aseq. beneficiis iterB.  bex aliis corrB.

Medieval Recollections

King Otto IV's donation charter to Patriarch Wolfger of Aquileia from 1209 - soon to be edited here.

King Otto IV's re-issue of the donation charter to Patriarch Wolfger of Aquileia from 1210 - edited here.

Selected Bibliography
Eduard Winkelmann, Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV. von Braunschweig, vol. 2 (Leipzig 1878), 134-136.
Bernd Ulrich Hucker, Otto IV.: Der Wiederentdeckte Kaiser (Frankfurt am Main–Leipzig 2003), 173-175.
Editor's Notes

The notices given by Otto IV's contemporaries - Conrad of Scheyern and Otto of St. Blasien - attest to an official imperial diet being held in Augsburg in 1209, but they do not mention the confirmations and donations bestowed upon Patriarch Wolfger of Aquileia or the precise fate of Henry IV of Andechs' deprived titles, allods, and fiefs.

Moreover, Otto of St. Blasien wrote as if "markio de Anadehse" (that is Istrian margrave Henry IV of House Andechs-Merania) had been sentenced and deprived of his fiefs by King Otto IV during the Diet of Augsburg, but this is not so; as read from Otto IV's charter from 1208 (edited here) 1209 (soon to be edited here) and 1210 (edited here), the Istrian margrave was sentenced for the crime of lèse majesté already on the Diet of Frankfurt held in November of 1208.

The margraviate of Istria was bestowed upon Ludwig, the duke of Bavaria, during the same imperial diet of Frankfurt in 1208, and this was solemnly confirmed by Otto IV's charter (doc. 1208_OL), but this investiture was protested by Wolfger, the incumbent patriarch of Aquileia, during this Diet of Augsburg. It was then, on the 13th of January, 1209, during the Diet of Augsburg, that King Otto IV recognized Patriarch Wolfger's claim and (re)donated the Margraviate of Istria to the Church of Aquileia. For the entire story arc, beginning with King Philip's murder, see the editor's comments under this entry.

During the Diet of Augsburg in January of 1209, King Otto IV issued these five charters to Patriarch Wolfger and his Church:

  • the confirmation of the Duchy of Friuli - edited here as 1209_W1;
  • the confirmation of possessions and jurisdictions of the Chapter of Aquileia - to be edited here as 1209_W2;
  • the appointment of Patriarch Wolfger as his official imperial legate in Italy - edited here as 1209_W3;
  • the charter investing Patriarch Wolfger with imperial regalian rights and exempting the future patriarchs of Aquileia from having to journey to Germany to receive the investiture of their regalian rights because they are Italian princes (entirely based on the charter issued by King Phillip in 1206, see it edited here) - edited here as 1209_W4;
  • the donation of the Margraviate of Istria - to be edited as 1209_W5; see the subsequent confirmation (or reissuing) of 1210 here.
How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 4: A 1209 usque ab 1300, doc. 1209_AUG, fontesistrie.eu/1209_AUG (last access: date).
FIM, 4: doc. 1209_AUG.
Image Source and Info

The facsimile of ms. hereby dubbed B (Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, under signature ms. C 33, fol. 123v) comes from the official webpages of e-manuscripta.ch, the digital platform for manuscript material from Swiss libraries and archives.

The facsimile of ms. hereby dubbed A (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm 17401, f. 5v) comes from the official webpages of Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum.

Both facsimiles are available for consultation online and free of any charge.

The editor has subsequently overlaid red lines on both facsimiles simply to clearly denote the parts of the manuscripts hereby edited.

The digital facsimiles remain under the exclusive copyright of their respective institutions.