
Vol. 2: A 804 usque ad 1077
c. 1062 to 1070

Notices from the 11th and 12th century narrative sources regarding Ulrich I of House Weimar–Orlamünde, the margrave of Carniola and Istria.

1) 11th century chronicler, contemporary to Ulrich I; chronicle preserved in several 16th-century copies and partially in 12th-century fragments; see here for more.
2) 12th century Saxon chronicler; the original 12th-century manuscript is preserved: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. lat. 11851; the manuscript can be consulted here.
Previous Editions
1) Lampert of Hersfeld, "Annales," in Lamperti monachi Hersfeldensis opera, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, Monumenta Germaniae historica, Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 38 (Hannover 1894), pp. 1-304.
2) Klaus Nass (ed.), Die Reichschronik des Annalista Saxo, Monumenta Germaniae historica, Scriptores (in folio) 37 (Hannover 2006), pp. 388, 405, 416.

1) Lampertus Hersfeldensis

[ad annum 1062]

Wilihelmus marchio reversus in Thuringiam, dum redire in Ungariam et sponsam suam cum magna opum suarum ostentatione adducere paratet, inter eundem secunda mansione morbo correptus obiit. Sponsam eius Odalricus marchio Carentinorum, cognatus eius, accepit; marcham Otto frater eius optinuit.

[ad annum 1063]

Ita rex Heinricus Ungariam cum exercitu ingressus Salomonem in solium patris restituit, iuncta ei in coniugium sorore sua.

[ad annum 1070]

Udalricus marchio Carentinorum obiit.

2) Annalista Saxo

[ad annum 1046]

Ekkihardus marchio subitanea morte prefocatus interiit et Willehelmus marchiam illius adquisivit. Huius pater fuit Willehelmus comes de Wimmare, venerabilis senex, qui ab Heinrico inperatore Babenbergensi pro gente Thuringorum inpetraverat, ut census porcorum, qui annis singulis ab ea regiis stipendiis persolvebatur, remitteretur. Quem censum instituerat Teodericus rex, qui eosdem Thuringos ex maxima parte delevit et terram eorum Saxonibus dedit. Huic Willehelmo comiti erant tres filii: hic, de quo loquimur, Willehelmus marchio, Otto et Poppo.

[ad annum 1062]

Willelmus marchio reversus in Thuringiam dum redire in Ungariam et sponsam suam cum magna opum suarum ostentatione abducere pararet, inter eundum secunda mansione morbo correptus obiit. Sponsam eius Sophiam Odalricus marchio Carentinorum, cognatus eius, accepit. Marcam vero frater eius Otto de Orlagemunde optinuit. Horum scilicet Willehelmi et Ottonis marchionum frater fuit Popo, qui habuit filium Odalricum, qui sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie Sophiam duxit uxorem, que genuit ei iuniorem Odelricum, qui accepit filiam Lodowici comitis de Thuringia.

[ad annum 1070]

Odalricus marchio Carentinorum obiit, cuius viduam Sophiam, sororem Ladizlai regis Ungarie, Magnus, Ordulfi Saxonici ducis filius, accepit uxorem genuitque ex ea duas filias Wishildem et Eilicam.



1) Lampert of Hersfeld

[Year 1062]

Margrave William returned to Thuringia and, while he was preparing to return to Hungary and to bring back his bride with the great pomp of her riches, he was struck down by disease on the second stage of his journey and died. His kinsman Udalric, margrave of the Carinthians, received his bride; his brother Otto obtained the march.

[Year 1063]

King Henry, therefore, entered Hungary with an army and restored Salomon the throne of his father, after Henry's sister had been joined to him in marriage.

[Year 1070]

Margrave Udalric of the Carinthians died.

[Trans. I.S. Robinson in The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld (Manchester 2015), pp. 80, 91, 126.]

Editor's Notes

These narrative sources complete the reconstruction of the family tree of Ulrich I, the margrave of Carniola and Istria from c. 1045 to 1070. The Ebersberg family chronicle (see the edition of the relevant passages here) plus the data from the chartularies of two Ebersberg family monasteries (see the edition of the relevant charters here) depict the mother's side of Ulrich I's family; these two German chroniclers depict the father's side of family, albeit in far fewer details. There are no primary sources that directly testify to a marriage between Hademoud II of Sempt-Ebersberg and Poppo I of Weimar-Orlamünde. However, the data provided by Lampert and the anonymous Saxon annalist leave room for only one conclusion: the father of Ulrich I – the husband of the Hungarian princess Sophie and the "margrave of the Carinthians" – can only be Poppo of Weimar-Orlamünde. It is still debated whether this Poppo I is truly the brother of margrave Willhelm IV and Otto – sons of Willhelm III and grandsons of Willhelm II, princeps Toringorum – as Annalista Saxo claims, or whether he is actually the brother of Willhelm III.

See the appended family tree.

Finally, Henry IV's donation to Margrave Ulrich I from 1064 (see the edition of the document here) was given due to the margrave's "faithful service". It is universally argued that the "faithful service" refers to Ulrich I's participation in Henry IV's military campaign in Hungary in 1063, as described by Lampert of Hersfeld ad annum 1063.

How to Cite
First citation: Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 2: A 804 usque ad 1077, doc. 1062_WMN, fontesistrie.eu/1062_WMN (last access: date).
Subsequent citations: FIM, 2: doc. 1062_WMN.